Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Mortal Kombat

Yeah, remember in old-school sega Mortal Kombat how you had to fight a mirror image of yourself occasionally? I've just been thinking about that today (wednesday) because I've just felt like kicking the crap out of something all day. I'm hoping/guessing everyone has a day like this occasionally where, for no real reason, they just feel pissy. Maybe it's getting back into Jiu Jitsu that's doing it, although for some reason I've forgotten how to throw people correctly--my left hip is never close enough to the left hip of the person I'm throwing, and I forgot to throw them off balance with a bump.

Some of the fist clenching is hormones, some of it's Jiu Jitsu, some of it's just boredom, and some of it is just processing old emotions as I wear them out raw and thin. I've got. . . reflexes, you know? I hear a name, or read a sentence some where, and I just go into defensive mode. And then I have to snap myself out of it. Seriously. I'm not worried, just interested in the process that is my life & emotions.

Went to dinner with Justin, Sean, Maureen, and Dave at Pizza Hut, and drank 3 glasses of beer which was extremely pleasant without being over-indulgent. And I totally dig Sean's car. It should be fun when senior week comes around and we have Henry to ourselves.

I'm one of those people. . .

We all have weaknesses: a damsel in distress, procrastination . . . mine, well, mine are many. I will rarely deny myself a delicious meal, even if it's unhealthy or expensive. When guys speak french or play guitars I just melt (Dave can do both, so I'm helpless). If there is a clothing sale of any kind, I'll easily plunk down over a hundred dollars for clothes I don't technically need. And of course, I'm a sucker for a good set of song lyrics:

Why do I fall for the dangerous ones--the ones that
Never learned to let go
And why do I lie to myself and pretend that I can break her
When she's already been so beautifully broken

She's so beautifully broken--shaped by the wind
Dangerously twisted--Here I go again
Here I go again

--Gov't Mule, "Beautifuly Broken"

I like this song because it reminds me of Sam. IN THE PAST, he's been in relationships with one or two unstable women, and I always wondered why. Maybe it's fascinating. . .I can't claim to know because I'm not Sam. All I could ever do was hope things would turn out right. And it's looking pretty damn good for Sam these days, so I'll just enjoy the song :)

Almost nothing at all is going on in the Sam-Dave-Amber region of Henry. We just chill, take turns on the X-box, and bitch about the lounge occasionally. Less than before, but what else do we have to do? I miss my Alice and Sprite and the rest of Lounge Crew 2002 sometimes, but I'm happy for the calmness too--it's so beautiful, and I'm not working even a quarter as hard. I got a C in physics, but everything else is A's. Now my only real problem is trying to find a job back at home for the summer while I'm not even in the same state.

Monday, April 28, 2003

hmm,bored, but really that's a good thing

It's monday and what do I have to do? Practically nothing! Well, I could be working on my RIFTS character, but that's about it. Freaking sweet, but also rather unmoving. I always have a little trouble easing back into doing very little. But I've got the whole internet, my imagination, and a quarter of a 2-liter bottle of Diet Pepsi! I'm also supposed to be getting reimbursed soon for the 115 dollars I plunked out for my visit to Loyola "very soon, it's in the mail" I'm told.

So here's some quizzes, all under the general theme of "vices and debauchery". .. enjoy! Although please be aware that some of these are of an explicit nature, so be forewarned. But all of these are fun to take.

You like to talk,
you like to run,
but most of all you like to have fun.

Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Shirley Temple-- you're cute around people but
naughty when you get away from the crowd

What's your stripper name? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla

You have been involved in a shameful online RPG,
and your soul will never be clean. You've
soiled the memory of a dead author and
neglected yourself and other human beings for
months at a time; there is no way to make up
for this. The Lord has turned His eyes from you

Keep back, you utter trash!

Why Will You Go To Hell?
brought to you by Quizilla

Amateur movie! You might not be too experienced in
the way of sex...but chances are, you do enjoy
it (or the thought of it). We'll probably see
you in some home video that surfaces on the
internet one day.

What kind of porno would you star in?
brought to you by Quizilla


sex appeal

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Mmmmmmm, satisfaction. . . .

I just finished a dove chocolate easter truffle (part of my easter basket) and it was sooooo heavenly--some chocolate just doesn't do it for me, but Dove chocolate is good. There is much to be said for the satiation that comes with eating food. I really do love it so. Today at lunch, I found myself dreaming of sashimi, and I thought "holy shit amber, your fantasizing about food with a longing so strong it would border on sensual." Seriously, I love raw tuna. So soft. . .so delicious. . . .ack!!!!! stop!!!

Well, 2 classes down, 10 more to go yes? Quantum Realities is looking like fun--I wake up at 8, and do my reading and question from 9-noon. Go to lunch. Go to class at 1PM and talk about how none of us really get quantum reality, and then the professor says "yeah, nobody does" and 3 hours later I am done for the day. Of course now I'm going to sleep at midnight like a senior citizen ;)

Excitement for the week? I'm going to play a cyberdoc in a RIFTS campaign my friend Ben is running--my character can give you freaking cybernetic implants! In other news, someoene left a mysterious message "Kathleen, I love you dear" or something like that on the door, and Kat and I had a good time trying to figure out who would call her Kathleen? I'm making regular progress in Jet Set Radio Future, which is also good. I need to get my ass in gear with Senior stuff I think though. . .bah.

I went back to Jiu Jitsu on Friday--I didn't go for most of the 12-week--and had a really enjoyable time, although today I had to wake up early for a self-defense class Sensei was holding, and I'm aching still from the pushups and crunches of Friday. But heck, I need the excersize. The self defense class was attended by a hoarde of 30-40 somethings women, who were ready to kick ass. They had a wonderful time, and it affirms to me that women really do have alot of aggression--as much as men I'd wager--and it's so fun for them to finally let it out in a physical way. Jason was nice enough to let me kick the pads for awhile, which is my totally favorite excersize. I mean, you can kick as hard as you want, and you get this satisfying THWOOMP!! from the pad when you connect that kick. I get to imagine someone I dislike and just wail on that thing until I'm tired. Ahhhh.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Back, and procrastinating like MAD

I scored
on the classic 400 Point Purity Test!
Take the test here!

Hmmm, I thought I would've done so much better! But I think maybe I haven't taken enough drugs, or had sex in enough public places or something. Oh well.

Didn't get much of anything done over break. I had planned to write out my paper for the APEX, but we spent so much time back in Wheeling running around for Easter that I didn't get ANYTHING done. We did watch "Red Dragon" and "The Ring." In short, "Red Dragon" was an excellent movie, while "The Ring" should've been scarier than it was. The ring is fun, but it's like an amusement park ride that you keep expecting to be more exciting, and you keep thinking that over the next hill is the REALLY scary drop. . .and it never comes. It's never really scary. And that's dissapointing. But Red Dragon was excellent, with great actors (Anthony Hopkins? C'mon!) and also some good-looking action from Ed Norton and Ralph Fiennes (sp?). So, I'd recommend seeing both, but have low expectations for The Ring unless it's pitch black in the room and you are all drinking or smoking pot or maybe having one of those orgies that would certainly bring your purity percentage down (see, that's what I'm missing!).

On the homefront as well, my friend Jonah made a collage of our pal Justin at Mardi Gras, and it's pretty amusing even if you don't know him.

We also got a puppy at home! Our dog Pepper, 17, died last year, and it was just about time to get a new dog to scare the racoons out of our kitchen. I totally cried at the animal shelters because there were so many good, eager-to-please dogs there, and I wanted to take them all home. I personally made friends with Toby, a 1-year old male cutie that looked like one of the sheep dogs from "Babe" and was just all smiles and waggly tails. . .but Liz wanted a puppy, so there. We ended up with a cute little shepherd mix puppy, who we named "Mocha" because of her coloration. When we brought her home, she just lept about, so scared and amazed by everything. It's an amazing thing to watch a puppy see a dandelion for the first time ever, and just flip out. She saw it, did a leap in the air, and came back and barked at it. Then she bit it, and then she went on to check out other things. I spent all of Tuesday puppy-sitting, which was alot of fun, but very tiring. I'm glad I'm not having kids any time soon. If a puppy wears me out during easter break, I'd be afraid to see what a baby would do.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Disturbing, but sooo good

My brother Don is finishing up his first year at WVU, and he finally has a computer--which means he's on AIM at 2AM just lke me, and we can chat and exchange cool sites. Probably alot of you already saw this site, but if not, I really recommend The AniMatrix.

The 2nd Renaissance Pt 1 is thoroughly disturbing. . . I went to sleep thinking about it, and I'm still thinking about it today. . . .

And ironically, the lyrics I added yesterday talked about homes and worst enemies, and last night I dreamt I was sharing duplex with my worst enemies. Thanks brain.

Monday, April 14, 2003

It's your own worst enemy
Ringing the bell on the door
And the person inside says nobody's home
So your own worst enemy peeks inside
And sees you softly weeping as some music fills the room

And the song they play
Is that guy with the messed up face
Going, precious and few are the moments that you
And your own worst enemy share

--They Might Be Giants

Yeah, once again I wrote an entire entry and then the touchpad on my laptop set off the "back" button and I was left with nothing. BAH

So I'm 1/3 done with finals. I turned in my take-home immunology exam, despite the fact I probably could have worked on it tremendously more. . . . I've decided that being a senior is a good enough excuse to just let it go. I also reasoned with Becker today, and managed to turn my lab write-up grade from 67 to 76. .. and I'm very happy with that actually. If I could get a B in physics, I would be happy. I don't want a C, but I'll deal if that's what I get too. It's not worth worrying about.

Today could perhaps be THE loveliest day of the new year yet. So warm. .. .warm enough for tank tops but not so warm you have to wear shorts--which is good because I'm no fan of shorts (these blinding white gams of mine weren't made for them!). I'm perfecting the jeans-tanktop-sandals look. Everyone is lying around or playing games or sadly working on finals (guess which category I will be in all week?).

So, I've been kicking around some ideas for 3-week activities--Dave is going to be off in California for part of it, so I need to remain busy in a fun way. Here's what I have so far:

1. Movie Night(s): I'm probably going to round up Alien & Aliens, I've got the first season of Buffy and maybe I'll procure the 2nd during break, heck who knows?
2. Video Games in the Lounge: OR I could spend my money on a new controller for the x-box and maybe a game or two.
4. Dinner out with friends: like Appleby's or Lemongrass or anywhere damnit!

Then there are two more abstract ideas I've been thinking about. One is a day of closure. See, there's alot of people I may never see again ever and there are certainly things I'll want to say to them. Although I'd like to be lazy and say--if you want closure, come and get it! I'll tell you just what I think of you! But who knows. The other is a memorial walk: I'd kindof like to pick some of the most important spots on campus, in my time here, and visit them all and remember those moments. But that could be a long list. . .

Saturday, April 12, 2003

The ass-end of the 12-week

LAST 12-WEEK EXAMS EVERRRRRR. That's pretty damn exciting.

Well, I got caught up on my sleep, and Wednesday was a honestly nice day. I alerted the lounge folk ahead of time that we'd be watching Angel in the lounge again at 9PM, and there was 0 resistance, and it was refreshing if not a little amazing. So we had no trouble getting together to watch it that night, although the crowd was significantly smaller.

The "epic" community meeting for Henry turned out to be not so very much exciting. There was a gigantic turnout, but as far as complaints/comments there were words from me, Tom, Sean, and Mary, and that was it. Basically, folks are sick of the making out, the mess, and really that's about it. I don't feel anything got accomplished, but at least the lounge is sparkling clean right now. I had a much better talk with some folks (Jess, Brie, and Tom?) later on. I'm starting to get the impression the actual trouble makers down there may be fewer than you would think. But I've always been bummed that there are cool people in the lounge I'd like to hang out with, but wouldn't want to put up with some unkind and/or ignorant individuals to do so.

Sooo, I worked on my Neuro presentation on the olfactory system from midnight till 5AM on thursday night. 4 hours of sleep just ain't right. Although I felt high all day--got to witness my last of each 12 week class lectures, and arranged talking over my lab with Becker. Even ran into Jason on campus and talked to him for awhile. It occurred to me that perhaps he thinks I totally hate him, since I generally avoid him and let Dave talk to him, but seriously I don't hate him, so I felt better chatting for a bit. I reserve hating for people who have wronged me heinously or recently or who just make me jealous. Dont' ask me why this has bugged me. I have issues, and am generally retarded at times.

Admittedly I was a bit jealous that tonight was "guys-only" drinking night, but I soon found the joys of post-dinner napping to be much more attractive, and while Dave was off boozin with the CS guys, I played some Hunter and also Jet Set Radio Future on the X-box. Point is, I was pouting inwardly at first, but actually it was good times. And Andy showed up out of nowhere!

Dave's Freudian Morality system IRC presentation inspired some thought, for me. I'm finding, more and more these days, that I indulge my id or generally pay alot of attention to it. So if the id requests something I can't really fulfill, I spend days worrying about it, because my brain whines. It fusses, it obsesses. But lately, I've found it gets tired of that after awhile, and life is no worse for wear. So take that brain! I'm on to your crazy games!

OH! I've also officially accepted admission to UWisconsin. Took me long enough, didn't it?

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

If it ain't one thing. .. .it's probably something else?

Well, Monday was yucky, in the sense that I stayed up till 4AM working on my APA lab report for Neuroscience. I took at 3 hour nap, which was suprisingly refreshing as I woke up wondering what was going on and who I was, and then realizing I'd slept and dreamt. Off to finish up some stuff at 7AM and then Neuro lab at 9:30, which involved a lab practical, and the memorization of sheep brain anatomy. I really don't care how I did though, I just wanted to be done.

So it's tuesday already by this point ;) And I had to give my 10 minute speech to several hundred people at the honors convocation. It was rough, because I couldn't get the paper to stay in the right place on the podium without planting my hands on it (aka NO gestures allowed), and the lights were bright so I could choose to look into the audience or look at my paper. But I could see Vanessa laughing at my jokes, so it was all good. Mom and Dad came up for the speech, and got to see Prudy give me praises for enthusiasm--not intelligence mind you, but I'll take it. We had a lovely lunch with Sean, Maureen and Maureen's Dad, Abbey, and Medina. One of those serendipitous times when you realize you all have alot in common, and good times are had. I forget how much I miss theatre people sometimes. Then I came home, slept for awhile, went to dinner & a WHRM meeting, and then slept from 8PM till 10AM this morning. My dreams were thoroughly bizzare, and I can't post it all here, but I'll give you a snippet:

Sam, Dave, and myself are walking along really steep roads—it’s summery/fall. The hills fall and rise steeply. I tell them about my dream that I had earlier in the dream. Dave walks away.

It’s just Sam and me, and I tell him about “Ochem” street, and how it sounds like Occham’s Razor—we say in unison “the simplest answer is typically the right one.”

So we walk a little bit more, and he says of course I’ve scared Dave away, with all that talk about my dream. I ask him why he rattles so much in his sleep. He pulls something out of his pocket. It is a chain of teeth almost 2 feet long, and there’s a ridged plate. (kindof like a plate of bone from a bleached turtle shell, or a skull. The teeth are ok, But the ridged plate bothers me. He couldn’t have gotten that one without killing someone.

“You’re too much, you’re everywhere, can’t you see?”

And I freak out. He’s going to kill me. But he’s been waiting to do it in the right way, with A PLAY that was specially designed to be read between the both of us—so scary that I’d die?

Suddenly I’m in Sam’s world. It’s an 80’s horror movie future for all of us. The houses look older and cold. . .

Now, I honestly don't think that Sam is trying to kill me, in reality. I'm not sure where that came from. But I'm pretty entertained that if he's going to kill me, it's going to be by having me read a play. Also I am entertained that Sam's world is an 80's horror movie--you know, complete with suburbs and upper middle class white folk? It was a looong dream, altogether. Long enough that for a while it felt like I'd lived it and not dreamed it.

So now it's wednesday. I'm pissed at Becker for ripping apart my physics formal lab write-up. The original got a grade of 65, and now after hours of fixing the things he said were wrong with it, I have a whopping 67.

2 fucking points?

I actually had a section go from 10 points to 5 points, after I rewrote it. I can honestly say I'm pissed. So I'm going to e-mail him about it, and hopefully at least my 10 points restored on procdure. Then I'll have a 72. wooo.

Dave is very upset today, and I'm not sure what to do about that.

Just a reminder, Angel is on at 9PM tonight. I'm watching it in the lounge. Join me please. I'm going to ask the folks there ahead of time, so perhaps its less traumatic for them.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Even if the new X-men cartoon is dumb, it's still fun to watch . . .

Because dammit I'm not alone in wishing I had some super power. Some dangerous but useful talent. Dave and Sam agree that if I have to be one of the marvel girl super heroes, I'd get to be Jean Grey. I'm cool with that, because telekinesis would be nice and telepathy. .. .well, I've had my brushes with it, and my mom can legitimately read my mind (no joke), so it would be neat to actually be able to control such a power. Although honestly I'd rather have super strength and invulnerability--but there's no Buffy in the marvel universe, and apparently I'm too smart to be Rogue, so oh well!

Saturday was a blur of activity and falling asleep in vans. I woke up at 4:30AM to get movin' and clean up the lounge. I felt I had to, because the housekeeper had written a very kind note asking the folks to clean things up by Saturday for Focus Day, and of course they really hadn't. So it all went in the closets: CD players, about 8 pairs of shoes, coffee makers, hot pots, a george foreman grill which STILL had the drippings congealed in the collection pan. Uncleaned plates, many unemptied glasses. 2 backpacks. I threw dirty socks away. I wanted to throw it ALL away, because none of this is in accord with our agreed "24 hour" rule for personal items and food. THe lounge looked lovely when I left it, and I felt much better having actually done something instead of bitching about it.

Then it was off to Ohio Academy of Sciences--a three hour drive to Findlay, and several sciencey hours explaining my research this summer and looking at posters of other people's research. A 3-hour ride back. . .and then off to Moda with Jason Meeks. I FINALLY got to see Alice's house! If you want the layout of the evening, I'll refer to her journal.

Outside the club, we could hear the building vibrating with a steady bass rhythm. .. you know, the nnnnst nssst nnnnst! No line to get in, thankfully, but a scary high cover of 13 bucks. But Moda is truly a fucking cool club. Everything was in blue, plastic, industrial metal. The tables lit up, lasers glanced off the gigantic mirror ball. Nobody was really dancing when we got there at first, but people wanted to--you can tell, because they sway and bob on the sidelines. But suddenly, without warning, the dance floor filled up, and after we finished our drinks we were out there, hopping and swaying like mad. If you've ever seen Jet Set Radio Future, imagine people dancing like that, with arms weaving. The club had several hired dancers, who grooved away on top of huge cubes at the corners and front of the dance floor. There were two asian girls in tight red tank tops and shortshort jean skirts. One of them danced calmly, but seductively and all curviness. The other, more boyish built girl was in a frenzy, hopping and wiggling all over the cube. Then there was the break dancing guy, who could lift himself up on one arm--the rest of his body planted in the air. I was just freaking amazed. I WISHED I could dance like that.

The people watching was fantastic. Everyone was dressed well, and I even saw a guy who actually deserved to wear a mesh shirt. I now see they do have a purpose in the world as an article of clothing. Everyone was lovely, and it was wonderful--after all these years of dancing where the crowds are small and the music mediocre--to be surrounded by people furiously dancing, with a bass beat so hard your collar bone vibrates. And every hour, we'd wait for the telltale hiss of the cold-shot valves, which would spray down COLD air along with fog---the dance floor would be so cold you could see your own breath for about 30 seconds, and then it was too hot again. Hands down, one of the coolest evenings of my life. The beauty, the fashion, then energy, the phermones! And above it all, the folks in the VIP section watched the dance floor from their balconies. . ..

Ok, great evening, but I got home at 4AM--after being up pretty much 24 hours straight--and then slept till 11AM. 7 hours of sleep. Went to bruch with a BLINDING headache, and fell asleep again, this time in Dave's room, until dinner at 5. Then I did some work, and vowed to come home and do more, but just couldn't. I'm finding it harder and harder to stay focused. I have an APA lab write-up to conquer tomorrow, and Tuesday is the lab practical & my honors convocation speech. I wish Prudy hadn't voluteered me for this. But it's an honor. . . .it's just that it is also one more thing to have to do.

Friday, April 04, 2003

Thursday, with Hyacinths by my laptop

Today was a good day, yeah. A day when I can pull my hair up and still feel like I look good--hard to explain.

My last physics lab hopefully ever was today. I didn't even realize it until someone else said so. We got to work with radioactive material, so that was cool. But it was over so fast, and without much effort or drama. Goodbye physics lab. If only I could say the same thing for class!

At lunch we "yelled" at James for not coming down for Angel last night. He had to go watch the stars or something. So we told him the whole epic story, and he asked if it was "just like the old lounge." And that tugged a little at my heart. Yeah, things won't ever be the same, regardless of what happens from here till Senior Week.

Sam and Dave and I went for Pizza Hut, which was tasty, but of course killed my digestive tract--which was already upset with me. We went to Giant Eagle's in Ravenna and I got to use that cool self-checkout stuff for the first time to ring' up my hyacinth plant. Dave had helped me pick out the only one in the store that had its buds still closed up; it's white with a yellow-wrapped pot. I can't wait till it really blooms. Hyacinth is the smell of spring, to me, followed by lilac in late spring, and then summer its chlorine, mowed lawns, and wet air. God I can't wait. For any of it.

Went to the last APEX's I'll ever see. They were really good, although some people need to realize that talking fast doesn't equal being smart--especially when you lose even an educated audience half way through. But there were alot of good talks--Jenny talked about heart valve replacements, Tom talked about plant ethology and the changing of the seasons! Andrew talked about monkey paternity tests. .. .it was, as they say, "all good"

Dena and Sean both wished I would have let them know about the lounge takeover. I wish I would have too! I organized, but I didn't organize perfectly. I'd like to do it again this next week. I told them that if there were any other shows they wanted to watch, let me know and we'll work out show parties of a sort. And movie nights must happen, including Moulin Rouge--who could have requested that hmmm ;) ? That would make me happy. And during senior week, the lounge will be totally, unequivocably ours. Maybe it can be a golden age revisted. I am taking requests. If anyone reads this and wants to watch something in the Lounge, let's work it out!

I keep thinking tomorrow is Saturday--when I go to OAS annual meeting and then to MODA with Alice and cohorts. But it's actually Friday. . .. crap. one week to go!

Thursday, April 03, 2003

So that's all it took?

Well, Dave, Sam, myself, Adam, and Kat kidnapped the lounge tonight to watch Angel. All day I was worried there was going to be a big fuss--because Angel was going to conflict with "American Idol" which I was informed was the neoloungites favorite TV show. I was concerned someone would get pissed off and it would become ugly.

At 8:55 we walked down en masse, and announced that we were going to watch Angel, ok? Jarrod said no, that they were going to watch "American Idol." To which I replied, no, we haven't gotten to watch a single show all semester. Dave them promptly wrestled the remote from him, and sat down beside him. And like magic, suddenly the WB was on and the lounge was ours to enjoy.

Ok, so at first everyone just stared at us in disbelief, and I had nowhere to sit. But by the time I walked around to the other side of the lounge, they had cleared out. We convinced Tom and Jason to join us for awhile, and soon Brian showed up with some friends, and occasionally some of the newer lounge folk would sit for awhile, and actually enjoy the show. It was like a timewarp: once again, I could hang out in the lounge with friends, and be happy. We stayed for an episode of South Park, and then Sam, Dave, and myself went walking, and happened upon Adam again!

All in all, it turned out so well, although I'm a bit amazed how easy it was. And it was worth it. All I really wanted was to hang out in the lounge, my lounge too, and just get those kids used to being displaced once and awhile. I cannot emphasize enough that I don't care if they act weird--I don't hold that against them. But they are getting too insular for the lounge--to cliqueish for a public area meant to be shared.

Speaking of which: The lounge is indeed in a horrible mess. I've seen bad. This is horrible. Many many pairs of shoes, coffee pots, five million cups, chips, and prescription medication? PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION? Not to mention that almost every chair was covered by a blanket or article of clothing. No problem though, we just moved them out of the way--that's lounge policy. I had to fight the urge not to get out a garbage bag and just shove everything into one--or alternatively lining them up on the fireplace wall and saying "free to a good home" OR asking them "So when are you guys going to clean the lounge up?"

But I was having a good time, so I let it go.

Two last tidbits:
Physics quote of the day: "I don't think I own and tank tops that aren't slutty"--Allison S.

Not my business but it's still funny situation: Exactly what could be LESS well thought out than calling someone a retarded puppy on a leash, and then later walking around the lounge with a dog collar and chain leash on? Kudos to you.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

So where did this come from?

First, I love all of you on livejournal, but it's obvious livejournal is evil. And by evil I mean ingenius: if you want to get the real scoop on all the password protected stuff, you'll have to sign up. I mean, I'm not missing out on too much, but still, that's kindof lame. But I'm not attacking anyone, just saying "hmmm"

The lounge situation escalates. I had to laugh at myself today, because I felt myself getting all offended and riled up, and then I realized they hadn't said or done anything to me specifically. Frankly, I've been really pissed at the way they've been treating Kat and Tom. I just don't get where all this attitude came from, this attittude that apparently the neoloungites (Term created!) have been dishing out regularly. But it's hilarious, because it's no personal attack on me. Frankly, like my friends, I am a true sucker for someone in distress. And frankly, getting pissed about people being mean to them finally gives me an excuse to be mad at certain people I already dislike. I find it pretty interesting. Oh well, we're supposed to have a big community meeting next week about all this lounge crap. Last time we had this meeting, I was sitting in the lounge defending these new people. And now I won't be. If you aren't going to show kindness and tolerance at the very least, don't expect it from anyone else.

Well, I'm pretending still that I don't have much work to do, even though I do. Two weeks left in the 12 week, for goodness sake.


and then the blessed 3-week.