This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Even if the new X-men cartoon is dumb, it's still fun to watch . . .

Because dammit I'm not alone in wishing I had some super power. Some dangerous but useful talent. Dave and Sam agree that if I have to be one of the marvel girl super heroes, I'd get to be Jean Grey. I'm cool with that, because telekinesis would be nice and telepathy. .. .well, I've had my brushes with it, and my mom can legitimately read my mind (no joke), so it would be neat to actually be able to control such a power. Although honestly I'd rather have super strength and invulnerability--but there's no Buffy in the marvel universe, and apparently I'm too smart to be Rogue, so oh well!

Saturday was a blur of activity and falling asleep in vans. I woke up at 4:30AM to get movin' and clean up the lounge. I felt I had to, because the housekeeper had written a very kind note asking the folks to clean things up by Saturday for Focus Day, and of course they really hadn't. So it all went in the closets: CD players, about 8 pairs of shoes, coffee makers, hot pots, a george foreman grill which STILL had the drippings congealed in the collection pan. Uncleaned plates, many unemptied glasses. 2 backpacks. I threw dirty socks away. I wanted to throw it ALL away, because none of this is in accord with our agreed "24 hour" rule for personal items and food. THe lounge looked lovely when I left it, and I felt much better having actually done something instead of bitching about it.

Then it was off to Ohio Academy of Sciences--a three hour drive to Findlay, and several sciencey hours explaining my research this summer and looking at posters of other people's research. A 3-hour ride back. . .and then off to Moda with Jason Meeks. I FINALLY got to see Alice's house! If you want the layout of the evening, I'll refer to her journal.

Outside the club, we could hear the building vibrating with a steady bass rhythm. .. you know, the nnnnst nssst nnnnst! No line to get in, thankfully, but a scary high cover of 13 bucks. But Moda is truly a fucking cool club. Everything was in blue, plastic, industrial metal. The tables lit up, lasers glanced off the gigantic mirror ball. Nobody was really dancing when we got there at first, but people wanted to--you can tell, because they sway and bob on the sidelines. But suddenly, without warning, the dance floor filled up, and after we finished our drinks we were out there, hopping and swaying like mad. If you've ever seen Jet Set Radio Future, imagine people dancing like that, with arms weaving. The club had several hired dancers, who grooved away on top of huge cubes at the corners and front of the dance floor. There were two asian girls in tight red tank tops and shortshort jean skirts. One of them danced calmly, but seductively and all curviness. The other, more boyish built girl was in a frenzy, hopping and wiggling all over the cube. Then there was the break dancing guy, who could lift himself up on one arm--the rest of his body planted in the air. I was just freaking amazed. I WISHED I could dance like that.

The people watching was fantastic. Everyone was dressed well, and I even saw a guy who actually deserved to wear a mesh shirt. I now see they do have a purpose in the world as an article of clothing. Everyone was lovely, and it was wonderful--after all these years of dancing where the crowds are small and the music mediocre--to be surrounded by people furiously dancing, with a bass beat so hard your collar bone vibrates. And every hour, we'd wait for the telltale hiss of the cold-shot valves, which would spray down COLD air along with fog---the dance floor would be so cold you could see your own breath for about 30 seconds, and then it was too hot again. Hands down, one of the coolest evenings of my life. The beauty, the fashion, then energy, the phermones! And above it all, the folks in the VIP section watched the dance floor from their balconies. . ..

Ok, great evening, but I got home at 4AM--after being up pretty much 24 hours straight--and then slept till 11AM. 7 hours of sleep. Went to bruch with a BLINDING headache, and fell asleep again, this time in Dave's room, until dinner at 5. Then I did some work, and vowed to come home and do more, but just couldn't. I'm finding it harder and harder to stay focused. I have an APA lab write-up to conquer tomorrow, and Tuesday is the lab practical & my honors convocation speech. I wish Prudy hadn't voluteered me for this. But it's an honor. . . .it's just that it is also one more thing to have to do.


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