Mmmmmmm, satisfaction. . . .
I just finished a dove chocolate easter truffle (part of my easter basket) and it was sooooo heavenly--some chocolate just doesn't do it for me, but Dove chocolate is good. There is much to be said for the satiation that comes with eating food. I really do love it so. Today at lunch, I found myself dreaming of sashimi, and I thought "holy shit amber, your fantasizing about food with a longing so strong it would border on sensual." Seriously, I love raw tuna. So soft. . .so delicious. . . .ack!!!!! stop!!!
Well, 2 classes down, 10 more to go yes? Quantum Realities is looking like fun--I wake up at 8, and do my reading and question from 9-noon. Go to lunch. Go to class at 1PM and talk about how none of us really get quantum reality, and then the professor says "yeah, nobody does" and 3 hours later I am done for the day. Of course now I'm going to sleep at midnight like a senior citizen ;)
Excitement for the week? I'm going to play a cyberdoc in a RIFTS campaign my friend Ben is running--my character can give you freaking cybernetic implants! In other news, someoene left a mysterious message "Kathleen, I love you dear" or something like that on the door, and Kat and I had a good time trying to figure out who would call her Kathleen? I'm making regular progress in Jet Set Radio Future, which is also good. I need to get my ass in gear with Senior stuff I think though. . .bah.
I went back to Jiu Jitsu on Friday--I didn't go for most of the 12-week--and had a really enjoyable time, although today I had to wake up early for a self-defense class Sensei was holding, and I'm aching still from the pushups and crunches of Friday. But heck, I need the excersize. The self defense class was attended by a hoarde of 30-40 somethings women, who were ready to kick ass. They had a wonderful time, and it affirms to me that women really do have alot of aggression--as much as men I'd wager--and it's so fun for them to finally let it out in a physical way. Jason was nice enough to let me kick the pads for awhile, which is my totally favorite excersize. I mean, you can kick as hard as you want, and you get this satisfying THWOOMP!! from the pad when you connect that kick. I get to imagine someone I dislike and just wail on that thing until I'm tired. Ahhhh.
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