Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Mortal Kombat

Yeah, remember in old-school sega Mortal Kombat how you had to fight a mirror image of yourself occasionally? I've just been thinking about that today (wednesday) because I've just felt like kicking the crap out of something all day. I'm hoping/guessing everyone has a day like this occasionally where, for no real reason, they just feel pissy. Maybe it's getting back into Jiu Jitsu that's doing it, although for some reason I've forgotten how to throw people correctly--my left hip is never close enough to the left hip of the person I'm throwing, and I forgot to throw them off balance with a bump.

Some of the fist clenching is hormones, some of it's Jiu Jitsu, some of it's just boredom, and some of it is just processing old emotions as I wear them out raw and thin. I've got. . . reflexes, you know? I hear a name, or read a sentence some where, and I just go into defensive mode. And then I have to snap myself out of it. Seriously. I'm not worried, just interested in the process that is my life & emotions.

Went to dinner with Justin, Sean, Maureen, and Dave at Pizza Hut, and drank 3 glasses of beer which was extremely pleasant without being over-indulgent. And I totally dig Sean's car. It should be fun when senior week comes around and we have Henry to ourselves.


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