This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Back, and procrastinating like MAD

I scored
on the classic 400 Point Purity Test!
Take the test here!

Hmmm, I thought I would've done so much better! But I think maybe I haven't taken enough drugs, or had sex in enough public places or something. Oh well.

Didn't get much of anything done over break. I had planned to write out my paper for the APEX, but we spent so much time back in Wheeling running around for Easter that I didn't get ANYTHING done. We did watch "Red Dragon" and "The Ring." In short, "Red Dragon" was an excellent movie, while "The Ring" should've been scarier than it was. The ring is fun, but it's like an amusement park ride that you keep expecting to be more exciting, and you keep thinking that over the next hill is the REALLY scary drop. . .and it never comes. It's never really scary. And that's dissapointing. But Red Dragon was excellent, with great actors (Anthony Hopkins? C'mon!) and also some good-looking action from Ed Norton and Ralph Fiennes (sp?). So, I'd recommend seeing both, but have low expectations for The Ring unless it's pitch black in the room and you are all drinking or smoking pot or maybe having one of those orgies that would certainly bring your purity percentage down (see, that's what I'm missing!).

On the homefront as well, my friend Jonah made a collage of our pal Justin at Mardi Gras, and it's pretty amusing even if you don't know him.

We also got a puppy at home! Our dog Pepper, 17, died last year, and it was just about time to get a new dog to scare the racoons out of our kitchen. I totally cried at the animal shelters because there were so many good, eager-to-please dogs there, and I wanted to take them all home. I personally made friends with Toby, a 1-year old male cutie that looked like one of the sheep dogs from "Babe" and was just all smiles and waggly tails. . .but Liz wanted a puppy, so there. We ended up with a cute little shepherd mix puppy, who we named "Mocha" because of her coloration. When we brought her home, she just lept about, so scared and amazed by everything. It's an amazing thing to watch a puppy see a dandelion for the first time ever, and just flip out. She saw it, did a leap in the air, and came back and barked at it. Then she bit it, and then she went on to check out other things. I spent all of Tuesday puppy-sitting, which was alot of fun, but very tiring. I'm glad I'm not having kids any time soon. If a puppy wears me out during easter break, I'd be afraid to see what a baby would do.