This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Saturday, April 12, 2003

The ass-end of the 12-week

LAST 12-WEEK EXAMS EVERRRRRR. That's pretty damn exciting.

Well, I got caught up on my sleep, and Wednesday was a honestly nice day. I alerted the lounge folk ahead of time that we'd be watching Angel in the lounge again at 9PM, and there was 0 resistance, and it was refreshing if not a little amazing. So we had no trouble getting together to watch it that night, although the crowd was significantly smaller.

The "epic" community meeting for Henry turned out to be not so very much exciting. There was a gigantic turnout, but as far as complaints/comments there were words from me, Tom, Sean, and Mary, and that was it. Basically, folks are sick of the making out, the mess, and really that's about it. I don't feel anything got accomplished, but at least the lounge is sparkling clean right now. I had a much better talk with some folks (Jess, Brie, and Tom?) later on. I'm starting to get the impression the actual trouble makers down there may be fewer than you would think. But I've always been bummed that there are cool people in the lounge I'd like to hang out with, but wouldn't want to put up with some unkind and/or ignorant individuals to do so.

Sooo, I worked on my Neuro presentation on the olfactory system from midnight till 5AM on thursday night. 4 hours of sleep just ain't right. Although I felt high all day--got to witness my last of each 12 week class lectures, and arranged talking over my lab with Becker. Even ran into Jason on campus and talked to him for awhile. It occurred to me that perhaps he thinks I totally hate him, since I generally avoid him and let Dave talk to him, but seriously I don't hate him, so I felt better chatting for a bit. I reserve hating for people who have wronged me heinously or recently or who just make me jealous. Dont' ask me why this has bugged me. I have issues, and am generally retarded at times.

Admittedly I was a bit jealous that tonight was "guys-only" drinking night, but I soon found the joys of post-dinner napping to be much more attractive, and while Dave was off boozin with the CS guys, I played some Hunter and also Jet Set Radio Future on the X-box. Point is, I was pouting inwardly at first, but actually it was good times. And Andy showed up out of nowhere!

Dave's Freudian Morality system IRC presentation inspired some thought, for me. I'm finding, more and more these days, that I indulge my id or generally pay alot of attention to it. So if the id requests something I can't really fulfill, I spend days worrying about it, because my brain whines. It fusses, it obsesses. But lately, I've found it gets tired of that after awhile, and life is no worse for wear. So take that brain! I'm on to your crazy games!

OH! I've also officially accepted admission to UWisconsin. Took me long enough, didn't it?


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