This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition



Today is just, well, like a dream. As super-sentimental as it sounds, it feels like the day after I told Andy that I liked him. The feeling of “Did that really happen, or did I just dream it?” and walking around seeing the world just full of new possibilities. That is how today feels: like a different and more hopeful world.

I’m not saying everything will magically become better. And maybe that isn’t really the reason it feels so good to have elected Barack Obama: I feel like maybe I am living in the world I thought I was. A world where people do THINK about things, who listened to the kitchen sink the McCain campaign threw at Obama and said “thanks, but no thanks.” I just feel like I’m living in the real world.

Though at the same time I find myself imagining what the day would be like if McCain had lost. I think it’s important to recognize the fresh split in our realities and destinies today. We just took one side of a big ol’ fork in the road. Let’s take a moment and savor the goodness before we begin this journey ahead.


Anonymous Alice said...

I saw a really great photo montage of people around the world dancing and crying tears of joy. I've been an Obama fan since the primaries, but even if I weren't - I think people have to somehow be so excited for the first black president. Of course I'm happy about his health policies and his plans to handle issues with diplomacy....

11/06/2008 11:30 AM  

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