I recommend . . .
1. That you go see “Wall-E” if you get the chance. It’s an amazing and delightful movie.
2. That you all have electronic pen-pal friends that send you hugs and love across the distances.
Did you ever watch that movie “Aliens vs. Predator”? Do you remember that scene where the crazy Antarctic-puzzle-temple shifts and changes at given intervals, revealing new staircases and passageways? That is what todays feels like. Like I can almost hear the stone grinding as things swing into a new configuration.
Take my freewill astrology horoscope for this week:
Leo (July 23-August 22)
This oracle was originally commissioned by a spiritual wilderness school to train its students in high-stress meditation. It has been tested by disciplined explorers who've learned to be fluid and resourceful in the midst of natural chaos. Now it's being made available to you, Leo -- just in time for the last stretch of your dash (or crawl) across the wasteland. By contemplating the code phrase that appears at the end of this message, you will discover the key for turning poisons into medicine, taking advantage of your weaknesses, and knowing your direction without a compass. Here it is: Love the beauty and intelligence that are hidden in your darkness.
Could this year of graduate school be the final stretch of wasteland?
In connection with yesterday’s post: I’ve got a book on order about getting one’s first tattoo, so that I can be responsible and reflective. I’m with Alice on the possibility of the tiger being Malaysian/thai in style, like:

but less scary/defensive and more proud/calm, like this one:

And Sprite’s advice resonated as well, that in order to draw the tiger, you should be the tiger. Which brings me to the delightful coincidence that at the end of the summer two students from UW bellydance are going to do a workshop on tribal style and teach us a Rachel Brice
routine that involves BEING A TIGER. That coincidence was a little freaky, but in a pleasant way.
And finally, a little “woo-hoo” for getting up at 7AM this morning to try a morning jog. I’m re-trying the “couch to 5K” podcasts I was using last summer, and it was fun times. I remember when I first started running I was gasping away after week one, but fortunately it seems that dance has kept up some of my aerobic staying-power. We’ll see if I can keep this up . . . I’m trying to conceive a treat for making it through the 9-week program. Potentially a 10-yard skirt for twirling. Or something else equally girly. . .
On Tattooing:
1. Remember the more detailed the image the larger it must be
2. Intract line work on paper drawing will be difficult to transfer because it will bleed together over time and make a muddle.
3. Bold Graphical, you want to make a statement your already putting on a tattoo no reason to be shy or subtle about the image.
I totally encourage you to watch a few episodes of Miami Ink (highly recomended) or La Ink(Kat's a technially amazing artist for the shading and pin ups ) so you can get a feel for what is a good tattoo composition and what one that won't work. Oh and i'll totally help you with drawing it out once you decide where and exactly what you want.
Whoah sweet! Thanks Sprite!
Though I haven't kept up with it recently, I have really enjoyed both Miami Ink and LA Ink: the life stories that people come in with and the reasons for wanting their tattoo are just amazing.
Did you ever see the one on LA ink where the one guy artist had to tattoo a guitar? I had no idea how hard it was to do long, parallel lines on the body. It was amazing.
yea i have missed some episodes too and i totally missed that episode. I bet it's really really hard with the body being all curvy.
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