This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


Amber’s back in town!

Man, it was a magical week in WV. I didn’t check a single e-mail and every day we just did fun things—no wedding-planning-multi-tasking-forays this time! Antique shopping, clothes shopping, Coleman’s fish sandwich devouring . . . Pug-hugging and cat-scratching . . . picking cherries right off the tree and roasting marshmallows over the fire pit. It was just plain good times, and I’m discovering I have more and more fun with my family each time I visit, and that makes it harder and harder to leave them every time. So for now I’m shifting my pretend-future plans to moving to North Carolina—where research jobs abound—and being closer to my family and the mountains, and faaaar away from the Wisconsin winters.

Of course, that’s all pretend. I fully realize that when we DO reach the jumping-off point from Madison, we could end up just about anywhere the wind takes us. But for now, it doesn’t hurt to play house. I’m reading that darn “What color is your parachute” book and as an exercise I had to draw my perfect life. When I was done scribbling, all I really had was:

1. Andy
2. A house with lots of trees
3. Two dogs (one large, one small)
4. plenty of time to read the paper, garden, dance, and basically spend time with all of the above
5. A job with distinct boundaries and guidelines. A job I could leave at work and come home and really enjoy all of the above.

I don’t think that’s asking a lot, but we’ll see!


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