This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


SO ready for a vacation

I really don’t know how to bring this entry about without it sounding like just plain old fashioned whining. I really don’t. My job is tough, but so is everyone else’s. In my line of work, there are islands of success surrounded by weeks and weeks of trying stuff out and having it not work . . . at all, and I’m currently swimming in the sea of Not-working.

The bright side is that I’m going to visit home next week, and I couldn’t be more ready. Of course, the proximity of a vacation can make *nearly* unbearable work even harder to soldier through. My current life could be themed: “Growing Impatience.”

But yay for home! Yay for being in the country surrounded by family and pets, at one of the prettiest times of year!

Also, yay for the return of bellydance classes, both studio and UW club. Last night was the studio technique review, and it was uber-intense. And of course, although I’ve learned a lot, I still have to work on my darn posture. Tonight is club practice! I might get to learn some of the club choreographies this summer for regular performances, which would be awesome.

Ok, there are things to be happy about, and the rest is just work and progress. . . back to it!


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