Full Moon Monday
Well, it's been a weekend filled with goodies--alot of them really. Friday night was the typical great combination of sitting on the Terrace, getting delicious dinner with friends, and boogie-oogie-oogie-ing down at the Cardinal. My favorite friday night moment was dancing to "99 Red Baloons" on the topmost platform, with my hands barely touching the ceiling and feeling like I was above all the cares of the world. It was pretty darn magical.
Saturday, I grabbed a shower and then went out shopping with Sharon and Sarah. We went to a local arts fair, and frolicked joyously about the main St. Vincent Depaul store on the east side. We took turns bringing hideous vintage outfits to one another, but we also found some great deals for eachother. I was very excited to find a WVU mug, among other things. I drove us all out to the West Towne Mall so that I could get a REAL ACTUAL CELLPHONE. I trotted away with a really sexy new phone with scary voice recognition software--ACTIVATE!
Back at Sarah's house, both Sharon and Sarah gleefully put together dinner for us (myself, Ben, Andy, and Eric). I loved listening to the two of them banter back and forth in the kitchen, sharing all their expertise. They've got the mad cooking skills. Same with Andy and Eric: I like to listen to them consult one another on electrical wiring and other projects around Sarah's house. These are my friends!! Delicious risotto as well as spinach salad, and poundcake with sherbet for dessert! Then I was stolen away for a dance party over on the eastern side of campus.
A dance party? The closest thing to a dance party we ever had in Hiram was the infamous Bowler Hall "Stupid Party" which wasn't really that exciting. That was one dorm room with only a handful of people. Although this dance party in Madison started out small with me being the only girl and dancing replaced with watching The Big Lebowski, it soon picked up as more and more people arrived. It was an interesting event, to be sure. Ben's friend Conner helped to point out some of the guests, who ranged from theatre to student government to newspaper to, well, random grad students such as myself. I met alot of new people, although I only remember a handful of names--it was exciting to meet so many interesting people in one night. Eventually Ben and I wandered out of there, down the suprisingly loud 2AM saturday night streets of Madison.
This sunday was a bit quieter. Met up with Sarah, Sharon, Eric, and Andy (I brought me Ben) for a matinee viewing of Hellboy. Although my socks were never really knocked off anywhere in particular, I feel it's really worth the money to go see it. The special effects are good, the writing is witty though not Joss Whedon level witty. I kindof wish I had read the comics to see just how well it does it justice, but it was fun. Even had tentacle monsters. After dinner, spent the evening napping in a dorm room (another thing I had originally thought I'd never witness again). Then Ben re-taught me how to play Magic before reuniting with Roger (who had been gone to Kentucky for the weekend) at Perkins. So yes, a descent into geekiness is ocurring. But he's patient with my re-learning of the game, so it's actually pretty enjoyable.
So, the inevitable question is: what does this week hold for Amber, and the world at large? Frankly, I cannot tell. This monday marks another full moon, which is always interesting, and sometimes meditative. I've got a fair amount of things to reflect on from this past week, so I'll be busy. Now I must sleep, and hopefully not sleepwalk.
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