Sunday, March 21, 2004

So what kind of week is it going to be?

SO it's gonna be Sunday.

I've had an unusual weekend, in that I spent alot of it working on a paper for Heidi's class. Got up at 6:30 this morning (saturday) to get on campus to work early. It was so beautiful and peaceful on campus that I was sad to have to spend the calm working. And Sunday will be about the same. Even had to cancel a viewing of Don Juan Demarco to make sure I had time for this darn thing. I want it to be good, but I also want it to be done.

According to the horrrrooorrrscopes, Pluto will be influencing the next seven days, resulting in much life/death/rebirth-like changes and events our lives. Could be interesting!

Also, the boys will be back from Chicago, and it will be interesting to hear of their exploits.

Also, I have a topics presentation on tuesday on Simian Immunodeficiency Virus!!! IT IS MONKEY TIME.

Finally, a little chunk of wisdom from my mom, which I'm meditating on this week, after I get homework done: "In the long run, it's MUCH easier to just always tell the truth."