Sunday, March 14, 2004

Mid-March Report

Yay! it's halfway through march practically! Time for the celtic cross tarot-reading edition of Amber's weblog:

Significator (me): doing ok, in between having worked out alot and now resting, and wanting to work out again. Saddled with much work for the break, but ready for it.

Crossing Card (obstacles): I feel like napping, not looking at bills or sorting through my old stuff. Also realizing that if and when I move back into the dating world, it will require actually meeting people I don't know probably--scary.

Crowning Card (current atmosphere): So, in general, life is better. Maybe just because it's spring break. . .hard to tell. I'm not going anywhere exotic (except maybe in my head when I space out from reading journal articles). It feels like spring in my life, even if it's flurries outside. Lots of opportunities, options, and I just bought new shoes.

Base of the Matter (goals): I'm looking to somehow mesh all my desires with staying healthy, safe, and on track. Trying to not go broke, in all senses.

Past Influences: Lonliness, much frustration. Confusion in the areas of love and life. But also (in going to hawaii) a return to peacefullness and a sense of direction.

Future Influences: HELL IF I KNOW

Role or Attitude: Positive, but also slightly confused still :)

Views of Others: Do I know what they're thinking? nope :)

Hopes and Fears (the double edged-sword, eh?): Want to be loved, want to be satisfied. Afraid to take risks and end up all in shambly crumbles.

Where one finds oneself: Well shit, I did one of the online tarot readings, and got The Tower--which signals drastic ending to something ("Unforseen catastrophe"). Well, you heard it here first.

In other news, yesterday I threw out the pair of socks I once wrote a poem about. Of course, the poem was about how they had lost all their elastic and betrayed my heel to an especially cold Ohio winter day. . . so maybe it's the right thing to do.