Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Being semi-productive

It somehow seems like a long time since I enjoyed school and felt really good at it. I mean, you never LIKE school when you're younger, but I remember when I used to feel smart. And then hormones and insecurity kicked in, and there were boys to moon over and sleepovers. . .eh, you get the picture. Life more frenzied and complicated, and school was just some hoops to jump through.

Today was maybe the first day, in many years, that I felt like I was smart and productive and worthy of being paid to go to school.

I went in to lab the night before to read a paper or two for class on Monday. Came in early (8AM, peh, I know, not that early, for you maybe) and two more papers in the morning, paid attention in my Path 750 class, where the professor actually used the word "Pimp" during a lecture on the immune system. Participated in discussion in the next class. Had a wonderful lunch with friends, where we kindof laid out what the week might be like, from a social standpoint, and thought about where to focus good vibes this week.

Then back to lab to wait for Ned to call from Hawaii to discuss two more papers I was to read. It's something we've established since Ned is in Hawaii for a couple more months, and it will help me get settled into the system I'll be doing research on. Last week, I felt like I did a really mediocre job discussing papers. In my reading, I focused on all the wrong things, and breezed over the important points that Ned asked questions about. But THIS week, I knew what to look for. Ned asked alot of tough questions that I actually fired back correct answers for, like the difference between strain ESR1 and ES114, or how I thought something should work. I was just beaming when I hung up the phone.

Went to my kickboxin' fitness class (I'm the only one who leans low on my kicks, so I feel special), then hopped a bus home to take a shower and eat dinner and actually see Dave. I'm really glad we aren't all pissed off at eachother. Gives me somebody to call names.

Then back on to campus to work on a really lame assignment due Tuesday afternoon. 4 page critique on a paper for Topics Class. Fell asleep reading the paper in the library, so I moved to the Old Biochem building, bought a Butterfinger and a cherry coke, plopped down on the couch, and read even more scientific journal articles. My brain is now full. I feel like I really worked on alot of things today--although the paper isn't going to get written till tomorrow. I'll get in at 8AM and have approximately 6 hours to work on the damn thing, allowing for lunch.

There's still some drama going on--I'm getting the impression it's the price you pay for maintaining friends. Eventually drama happens and you are exposed to it. These friends are definitely worth it. Now if we could focus on keeping the group together, and not sharing a brain if it means we'll all be scatter-brained and forget to call people. . .

Tuesday is Mardi Gras!