Friday, February 20, 2004

Well, had my first "Firefly" dream last night.

Ok, ok, so the show's by Joss Whedon, so it was inevitable that along with "Amber as Buffy" dreams I'd have "Amber as captain of a firefly class vessel" dreams. I was skeptical of the show at first, given that Fox cancelled the show mid-season. But really, it's a VERY good show. Extremely character driven, but with a fresh mix of Space and Western. It's a damn shame that Fox canned it, especially before later episodes could be filmed.

In my dream, I was captain of a spaceship, and my friends and I were trying to outrun the law or some evil force. We hired a complete crew without telling any of them we were running from the law. At 4PM, while they were all still packing up their bunks onboard, we took off. The launch area was a long hallway, and as we lurched and zoomed forward down it, I could see one of the Harkonnen brothers run into the hallway behind the ship looking abandoned. "I'll miss that guy" Captain Amber said. We continued to pick up speed down the hallway, past residents of the port city we were docked in. They went about their business. At last, we saw the hatch opening to let us up into the sky, and it was then that the theme music started in. . . It was one of those dreams that you wake up from and just smile.

Of course, I woke up smiling, and realized I'd slept in till 10:30. . .but oh well.

I want a spaceship!

Also, I'm hoping to go to a Badgers Hockey game today. . . my new hockey name is: Vladimir Pollackov

My Wu Tang Klan Name is : Ungrateful Ninja!
(fun with name generators)