This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Sunday, April 21, 2002


Ok, so I feel like writing more, so I will. Although now that I say that I don't know what to write about. There's alot to be said--it's life and there's never a shortage of things to say.

We were on our fifth lap around the gerstacker square, Sam gliding unnaturally on roller blades, me trotting on my little legs to keep up on the downhill portion of the program. We were in our matching maroon bathrobes. Making circles around the square, at 2 in the morning on a weekend. Sam is good for moments like that. I remember once I had a personal crisis, and Sam and I stayed up all night talking, and walking the campus. When I finally broke down, he made me hop up on a table in the Brown Fall room, and we tango-ed on the tabletops, and eventually I stopped crying. It was a moment. . . one of those memories that I knew was being made right when the laugh escaped. Let's here it for good friends, and let's really hear it for weird friends. I hope things get better for you, Sam-san.

I AM AFRAID I HAVE NO SEGWAY: Inspired by Coconut Rum

Hold me now, don't let me fly away
to the dark dreams and the hopes of yesterday
I'll never find them:
they're not there to find
So keep me here, and not out of my mind.

So cut this cord
And smack me a good one
weigh me and dry me
and I'll start to crying
This life is so bright and new
It isn't such a bad place
But I cry cause' the old life is dying.
--Amber, "Two Variations on a Theme"