Oh man, it's time to go back to Hiram. I could talk along time about why, but let's just say this: there reaches a point when home is no longer relaxing, or energizing, or delightfully peaceful. And that's when I'm better off at Hiram instead of sitting here being bitten by ferrets and thinking too much. And I have reached that point.
I crave the joyful hedonism of college, which is at times like an endless coed slumber party. And ladies and gentlemen, i think it's going to be a 3-week that will indeed be full of "fun."
But who knows? I could spend it all weeping and feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to try and, er, avoid that. So if you're looking for a good time, you can knock on my door. Of course, I'll probably say no, but I won't be pissed at you or anything. And besides, you never know until you ask, do you? That is my lesson for the break.
My advice for today is--breathe. It's one of the only things you really need to do in life, and sometimes it is helpful to remind yourself that it's more important than just about anything else.
And now, some lovely AIM conversations I wanted to share:
(In case you were wondering what they do for fun at Ivy League schools)
RingmasterDave: I just hope I can stand the smell of alcohol again by Friday, as it's *another* big event, "Hey Day"
ForeverNewt: O:-)Ahh, the joys of college life. How I might miss them. "Hey Day"?
ForeverNewt: Do you people never stop?
RingmasterDave: Hey Day is when the juniors officially become seniors
RingmasterDave: We go around eating each other's hats
RingmasterDave: I don't really understand
ForeverNewt: what were these hats made of?
RingmasterDave: Foam... well, maybe 'biting' is more appropriate than 'eating', cause I don't think you actually consume the pieces.
RingmasterDave: You take a bite out of all your friends' hats, and supposedly those people who are left with no brim...
RingmasterDave: Have a lot of friends, I guess
ForeverNewt: I guess so!
ForeverNewt: kinda like a reverse mardi-gras bead deal, although I see no flashing in this system
RingmasterDave: That is correct, although I am unsure whether adding the flashing would be a positive or negative thing on average
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busony: It was funny today, They had some big storm front going through Hiram on the news and they were making a big deal about it. I msg James about it a few hours later and his response is, "There was a storm?"
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