Ach, being a girl, and 20 at that, I'm a sucker for a baby. I can hear that "Awwwwww" response creeping from my head to my mouth. NOOOOOOO!!!!! There will be no little me's running around any time soon. But, as the eldest grandchild on my Dad's side of the family, It's really quite fascinating to see a new arrival. I feel like we're at two ends of the spectrum: he's just starting out, and I've been through so much living in these 20 years after a moment like this picture. What's even weirder: my parents have lived 31 years more. There so much that will happen between where I am now, and where I will be when I am their age. It's pretty crazy.
I'm having a super great day. I took a shower. The weather is unbelievable. I'm a single gal with still the hope of someone to love. I just will smile for now, and enjoy feeling the exact opposite of despair. Life is good. And I'm going to Honolulu. Hell Yes.
Leo: (July 23—Aug. 22)
You're not the type to rest on your laurels when there are perfectly good couches available.
Lounge conversation for today:
Scene: Alice, Nick, and Amber are watching A Dating Story on TV. The girl starts to take her jacket off. . .
Amber: "woo-hoo! Take it all off!!!"
Alice: "Amber! You swing both ways!"
Amber:" . . . . . . well . . . .at least on television?"
Thank you! Goodnight!! I'll be at home all weekend! I'm ForeverNewt on AIM so look me up at 3AM in the morning
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