This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


On McCain’s choice of running mate, Sarah Palin

I think I get it now. A lot of us are currently going round and round about how women won’t be “fooled” by the deliberate choice of a woman for VP to woo over Hillary supporters. We all think the choice is to woo over Hillary supporters, but let’s face it: though there are women who will vote for ovaries, not policies, I think they’ll likely be balanced out by those who (sadly sexist) voters who aren’t comfortable with a woman so near the presidency.

Yes, McCain lost one of his core angles against Obama: experience versus inexperience. But what did he gain? Conservative values and likeability.

As a red-meat gal with a colorful, brief history, she brings more than we think to the table: a lot of support from folks who couldn’t get that excited about McCain. She will likely appeal to the “guns n’ gays” crowd. She will absolutely have the support of the pro-life movement.

In the press, I’ve seen her continually referred to as a “game-changer” which has a clever duality about it. Her entry into the campaign does change the game. But also, we are meant to see her as someone who will shake up Washington. And so McCain can co-opt the “change we can believe in” strategy. She’s an Erin Brokovich sort: a formidable woman who is made less threatening by being totally hot. Hillary was considered a beeotch; Sarah has been called a barracuda.

And, I’ll admit, on the very surface, it’s hard NOT to like her. I mean, as a woman I think it’s awesome that she’s accomplished so much in her home state. I can’t imagine raising 5 children, and the CHOICE to have her last baby, knowing he had Downs Syndrome, is absolutely commendable. (but the very choice that will give her this commendation is something she will most certainly take away if elected).

Oh she ice-fishes, she’s a hockey mom, her husband is half-Inuit and refers to himself as the “First Dude.” Loves hunting! Her favorite meat is moose!

Look, it all sounds refreshing and woodsy. But let’s get real for a second: with McCain being an elderly cancer survivor, Sarah Palin is a lot closer to being president than Joe Biden is. And given his age, who would be all that shocked if McCain suffered a heart attack, real or induced? That’s all it would take to put another ultra-conservative Christian in charge of the country, one with little experience outside her state. Shouldn’t that alone make people nervous? Will it?

Ugh. I care so much about this presidential election, it makes my heart hurt. And this move only makes it hurt more. I really thought we wouldn’t elect Bush last time around. I thought we were smarter than that. If McCain wins this time around, he’ll have the opportunity to appoint Supreme Court justices, and we can all say goodbye to Roe v. Wade. And who knows what else. We just can’t let it happen. . .

And lastly: is the election really as close as the Media claims it to be?


Blogger Alice said...

carey was asking me that today - what the climate is like in Ohio, whether it's as close as they say. As far as we can tell, all our cleveland-area friends are YAY OBAMA! (me too) but southern ohio is more conservative.

Good point about the vice prez standing a chance of being the prez ... I guess it's one of those "I like her as a person but not as the president" kinds of things.

Dan thinks McCain has no chance because of Obama's charisma.

8/31/2008 6:29 PM  
Blogger Spazmo said...

I hope Dan is right! And up until now, I figured that would basically squelch McCain's Campaign.

Now, with even more "human interest" stories about the Sarah Palin. . . I worry more people will focus on her with interest, instead of scratching their heads over complex things like the economy and homeland security. . . We'll see I guess!

9/01/2008 1:01 PM  

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