This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Friday, March 02, 2007

I’m a consumer, I know

I’m supposed to go help another grad student collate her thesis, so I’ll keep this briefish:

Baby’s got a brand new toy: an ipod shuffle, 2nd generation. It is blue. It is the size of a matchbox and fits in an old altoid tin I had been keeping for no good reason for years. Now I can listen to Stephanie Miller podcasts while I work out, instead of craning my neck to see two channels on a crappy ol’ TV in the exercise room. I will be thinking of a name for the shuffle. So far the frontrunners are “smurfette” and “lil’ sapphire”

Every once and awhile I fall head-over-heels in love with a new band. My latest fling was The Decemberists. Now, thanks to the “Indiefeed” podcast I have a new love: The Blow. I cannot describe this band. But their single “True Affection” just won’t leave my head. . .


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