This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Monday, January 22, 2007

The weekend gone

Oh good lord, what a crazy time it is. My parents visited this weekend with my sister—she had a vocal audition in Appleton (2hrs away from here, which is 12hrs away from home), so they decided it was close enough to visit! It seems wherever my family goes, everyone crams in my living room and starts doing three different things, preferably on three different laptops. I think we all have attention defecit disorder.

I’ll confess, I was kindof bummed that most of the group talking was about sis’s audition. It went really well, but of course since she can’t hear any news until March, she’s nervous and so we talk and talk about how well it went. But you know what? It is her weekend. I get jealous and selfish and baby, that’s my problem.

The one BIG “me” thing we did was go try on my actual dress, which was ordered in late August and arrived over x-mas break. In the interim, I had started to panic that the dress wasn’t as pretty as I remembered it, especially since the photos I have are of me in the utterly NOT fitting one which makes it look poofy and me look even poofier. But the difference this time was that the dress was too BIG, so we could pull it back in such a way to make it look fitted for photos. And it is just gorgeous. It’s silk, so the fabric glows—and the bonus is that it isn’t heavy. It’s just too beautiful, and I pretty much went off the girly deep end as soon as they got it on me.

The family left Sunday morning at 8AM. They left fast this time—the snow was falling down like crazy and they had a 12 hour drive ahead of them. I’ve never missed them so much as I do this year. It’s strange like that. They made it home safe that evening, and called to let me know.

Now it’s Monday and the undergrad hordes are back. That always bums me a bit, because it’s so quiet and uncrowded without them. But they pay my paycheck, so oh well.


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