This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Holy peripheral vision, Batman!

Baby, I’ve got CONTACTS again! I hopped into my car after going to my eye exam, a year’s worth of contacts in my hands. . . and basically giggled uncontrollably for a minute or two. I have horrible, horrible vision. Last year my contact prescription ran out, and I was left wearing glasses all the time. And while I’m certain they make me look smarter, they kindof overwhelm my face. Not to mention the halo of blur around my field of vision at all times, since the frames are not that big. But now I can see everything as though I’m not visually gimpy. Maybe now I could give that whole eye makeup thing a go—it’s silly that I can pass a preliminary exam but can’t really line my eyes.

As a sci-fi/horror geek, one my minor goals in life is to be prepared for attack by zombies. You can laugh at that idea, but maybe you’ve thought about it too. I get bored at the bus stop, and sometimes I think about what I would do if there were a zombie attack. Would I run inside a building? Could I get to my car in time? Where would my friends be and how would I find them? It keeps my mind busy enough.

Part of this line of thought runs directly into my bad vision. Some day, I want to get lasic surgery so that, if and when the zombies come, I’m not dependant on a dwindling supply of contacts or breakable glasses. Part of that big sigh of relief I gave when I got my braces off—back in highschool—was due to the idea that the world could become post-apocalyptic and I wouldn’t be running around looking for an orthodontist to take off the metal contraptions. My fiancée is an insulin-dependent diabetic, so now the scenario has changed a bit . . .

Anyway, to sate this zombie obsession, I’m reading “World War Z” as a follow-up to Stephen King’s “Cell.” Maybe we’ll have to have a movie fest too. . . anything to keep the zombies from eating me in my dreams (which they were last night).


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