This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sound the alert!

Mercury is in retrograde today!

I’ll admit that I do hold some belief in astrology. I’m sure it’s silly, given that I’m a scientist and I’m *supposed* to put my faith in the concrete. But I’ll tell you, for me, being a scientist means coming to terms with how little you know about how the universe actually works. That there are questions you can’t answer only because the technology hasn’t been developed yet. Moreover, we’re constantly finding out microbes do things in ways we didn’t think possible. Long story short: working in science doesn’t squelch my belief that strange phenomena can occur, only that we can’t consider them absolute or truly *real* until we can test them.

So yeah, astrology. I buy into it, not as the end-all and be-all of explaining things, but as another possible input into our daily lives.

Anyway, mercury is going into retrograde, which always means crap is going to happen. I mean, when things go from moving forward to BACKWARD, it’s gonna be weird. There are going to be three retrogrades this year, and this is the first. Life seems a little different this week. A little topsy-turvy. But then again, that’s life. And I’ve rambled on and on about astrology, which must have been thrilling. . . .


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