I guess I need to lay off the podcasts or something. . .
Another Stephen King dream last night. This time, Andy and I were making our driving journey to WV again, and along the way I got a phone call from SK. There's phone calling back and forth--alot of phone tag.
Again I'm at SK's house, again with a big group of people and THIS TIME we're all competing to be his personal assistant. Like some reality TV show, there are 'challenges' we have to compete in, the latest being to drink poison. If we drink the poison, we might win, or it might be a reverse-psychology way to choose the people smart enough NOT to drink the poison. Oh well.
I woke up feeling like maybe someone famous WOULD call me today. So far, it's just been the eye doctor. . .
In the real world, I've finished "Cell" by SK which was pretty good. It won't push out any of my top choices, but it was genuinely clever and creepy. I've also finished my SK podcasts, which may be the reason for all this SK-dreaming. And I must say, the gunslinger series comic is AWESOME. I cannot wait to see more.
And on a silly personal note, I must say I'm proud of myself for getting my act together and scheduling my yearly physical as well as eye exam. Now if I could get my act together even further and go to the dentist, as well as renew my passport. . . Oh well, always somethin' else to do.
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