This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Monday, March 05, 2007

First full week o’ March

Last night I was reading my World War Z book and trying to get to that special place, mentally, where your brain actually will shut down and sleep, when Andy says “wow, ASM is just 2 months away. . . “

Brain to Self: EEEEeeeek!

Self to Brain: GO TO SLEEP

It’s already March, which is grand and horrific at the same time. Time slips by really damn fast, and I always imagine I’ll have these vast expanses of time to do my research uninterrupted, but that never happens. There are always seminars, and meetings, and the class I’m auditing.

The spring fever has already struck hard since it’s March. It’s impossible for February to be the start of spring in Wisconsin. But maybe March? A lot of us come from places where March can be warm. However, my impression, after 3 Wisconsin springs, is that here spring is very slow in coming. Then again, we had springlike weather in December, so this could be the year spring really does come in March. It would be nice.

Like many others, I keep idealizing spring. I imagine that, unlike last year, whenI was freaking out over preliminary exams, I can ENJOY this spring and summer. I can start running outdoors again, watching the daffodils come up in people’s yards. My rubber soles will smack rhythmically on warm, steamy sidewalks. I could go get my coffee on state street and sit by an open window and listen to the sounds of the crowd below. And don’t get me started on going to the outdoor Farmer’s Market. Mainly, I miss the smell of humidity in the air: that mix of soil and rain that just makes me ache thinking about it.

Then I realize that

1. I’m presenting at yearly Pow-wow in March

2. I’m presenting at the General American Society of Microbiology Meeting in May.

3. After that we will fly home and make a million wedding decisions in Wheeling.

4. After that I’m getting my dress fitted.

5. Then I should probably have my yearly committee meeting where they’ll check on my progress and tell me what more I need to do (lots).

6. Oh yeah, and I’m getting married in August, which I’m betting means that between the months of June and August, between the science and the planning, I’ll be Miss Spazmo 2007. And since I’m hyphenating my name, I have no idea whether or not I become Mrs. Spazmo-handsomeguy or what. Another thing to figure out.

And all in the meantime, I’m trying to take better care of myself. The wedding is a good excuse to focus on it more, but it has been years in the making. I’m doing strength training and cardio three times a week, and will be continuing to up the time as I go. . . we’ll see. It’s not the same as jiu jitsu, but then again it’s not nearly as injury inducing. . .


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