This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


i liked it better when i honestly thought men were dumb and women were evil. realizing that none of us have any idea of what we're doing is far, far worse.

I had to steal this quote from another blog I keep up on, even though I only knew the chick as a friend of a friend thang. I always feel I have to point this out because the fact makes me feel a little guilty stalkerish. I just love how she writes.

I liked the quote because it's another side of what being an adult is all about, I think. You always think everyone else knows what they are doing, that they are calm and happy and man they've got PLANS. And you're the only one who doesn't have their act together. And then one day you realize practically no one has it all together, and if they do they might just be mentally unstable.


In other news, my body is just plain sore. On the bright side, show practice was worth it last night, as we got to see our reflections in the window and we looked REALLY good. And I'm getting funny muscles in unexpected places. Like my shoulders--which I've never really worked hard before, EVAR. Or my shins? No miraculous weight loss has happened, even though Andy who eats ice cream at midnight has dropped another 5lbs. . . but me being a bit more muscley ain't bad.

I need to get my act together for Hawaii, and fortunately today is not looking to be as hectic. Maybe I'll make some headway on cleaning up my clothes and the rest of the apartment. . . .


Anonymous Eva said...

Shifty eyed stalkerishness happens alot.

3/07/2008 4:51 PM  
Blogger Spazmo said...

Mwhahaha! The Eva emerges!

3/11/2008 10:35 AM  

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