This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ah, ze pursuit of thee unobtainable!

I love shopping, but one of my deepest pitfalls is the unobtainable item. There was a time right before I moved apartments where I developed a lust for turquoise sheets, and yet none were to be found—until several months later when they were everywhere. I think this illustrates what I mean by “unobtainable”: not hugely expensive or ridiculously rare . . . just scarce enough to make it a challenge and reasonably priced if I DO find one.

Currently I’m after a Wii console (which I’ve already mentioned) and a cast iron dutch oven for making stews in. Clearly, we’re in stew-making season here because the two reasonably priced models at Target and Walmart are sold out, and what IS available elsewheres jumps up to $60 bucks minimum. Makes me want it even more. . . But I have successfully reminded myself that it would be grand to make stews and roasts and what not, but not necessary.

We had our first Bellydance Spring Show practice yesterday and it was OH SO GRAAAAND! We learned the first bit of the beginner’s piece and it’s just challenging enough—although the demonstration of the rest revealed some tougher moves: ¾ shimmies and down-steps, both of which were in my 2A studio class and challenged us there. But it’s a really good group of ladies so I think we can handle it. And we agreed to expand the practice from 1 hour to 2 hours so that we’d be done learning the choreography well ahead of the spring show. I’m psyched, as this further expands my spring dance/fitness schedule. 3 times a week I’ll get to dance for 1+ hours, and hopefully Andy and I will have a swimming class on Tuesdays. I’m contemplating adding yoga in there, but I’m not sure if that’s a bit TOO much. All I know is that I’m floating happily for hours after my dance classes, and it makes all of life more calm and bearable.

The only bummer is I learned that LOST has been moved to Thursday nights. . . right during my studio class. I will either have to tape it on VHS, or wait to download it from I-tunes the next day :(


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