This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


Do you ever get the feeling that your life is a tiny wheel that’s spinning round and round? And do you sometimes feel like the rubber on that wheel ain’t hitting the road?

In a not-that-bad way, that’s what it kindof feels like right now. Classic situation for the post-prelim, pre-defense expanse of time that I’m in right now. There is that lingering feeling that I’m doing lots of things but not getting anywhere. . . oh well, seems like that’s normal.

My small victory is that I completed my first costume sewing project: a choli top in a dark metallic teal.

I still need to go back through and clean up all the dangling threads, but I actually completed it. Now back to sewing the cover on my dance bra. GOAL: if I finish both of these things, I can go do a level II sewing project in my learn-to-sew book, because I really want to get to all the level 3 projects (pencil skirts! Girly dresses! Mod capes!) but I should get in more practice first.

I can’t figure out where I put my actual physical journal, which was OK for a long time but now it’s starting to bug me. Hmmm. . . .


Blogger nick poston said...

Yes yes I do! Small victories make it better though. You should post pictures of your sewing projects I would love to see them. you could use picasa to hold the images for your blog that is what I do right now. For some reason my mind strung together "level 3 Mod cape" and I though I wonder what kind of bonuses that gives. This is how I know I've played to much on the computer today. I hope you find your journal soon I would hate it if I lost mine.

1/30/2008 12:07 PM  
Blogger Spazmo said...

I've been thinking about posting photos--good idea with the picasa (my tripod account is running out of space as is).

Level 3 Mod Cape: A devastating addition to any hero's wardrobe, the level 3 mod cape provides +3 protection against ice winds and -10 to difficulty on all social rolls.

1/30/2008 1:15 PM  

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