This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


Freezing rain and I are not friends

Particularly when I don’t realize it’s freezing rain until I’m late for the bus and running out the door with no time to go back and get an umbrella. Now I sit in lab, dampened and cold. It’s hard enough to get yourself into work on Mondays as it is.

Today, especially since it’s in stock on, I’m leaning towards the Wii. If I get the Xbox 360 I’ll be holed up fighting raptors for days and not wanting to talk to anyone. The Wii does seem more socially oriented. But OH, Halo3!!! Bioshock!!! Assassin’s Creed! Gaaaah!!!

At least Fatal Frame is doing a version for the Wii. That would be sufficiently mature and creepy. . .

Yay! UW bellydance club practice starts up again tomorrow and I’ve moved up to Intermediate Practice. This could result in infinite soreness on Wednesday, but whatevs. Turn the dial up to 3 dance practices a week, and swim class starting next week!


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