This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hiram, alma mater, alma mater mine
I think this blog has become an unloading zone for mainly “The weird dream I had last night” and “my little pat on the back.” Eh! I think it could be worse.

Last night I dreamt I was at Hiram College again. Usually I wander the campus and can’t find anyone I know, but this time I found Sam and Dave right away. We all sat on a stoop together, along with Andy (Wisconsin Andy) and I said to everyone “Oh, isn’t it nice to have the trio together again?”

I’ll admit that I miss those two a lot some times. Especially freshman and sophomore year, when we three got along and life hadn’t gotten so heavy. It was a lot like the uber-brain friendship I have now with Andy, Sarah, and Roger: easy, intuitive (although with lots more smoking). When Sam and I had the “Vortex of Pain” radio show. That time in college when we’d just moved into Henry Hall, and before Henry lost a lot of its nerdy charm in the wake of angst.

Ehhh, I should also admit that much of that yearning I felt in the dream was about missing how I felt in college, when I felt smart and had lots of free time on my hands. No bills to pay. Good grades and free internet. Late nights hanging out with Sam at the B-side or walking the 3-mile square. Hiram is just plain heavy with memories and so I end up visiting there a lot at night, perhaps more than any other place in my dreamland.


nick poston said...

Woo! I remeber the "Vortex of Pain". I want your Hiram dreams, mine always get weird fast. They usually involve some weird scifi alien-zombie opera and a daring dash across campus to the safty and concecratied ground of the B-side armed with fire extinguishers, alchol and zippo's. The whole Henry crew always gets cornered or surrounded and just as we're about to make a break. An etherial voice yells okay initive check ... and then I wake up. I want normal dreams. Although that would make an interesting comic minus the last part.

10/11/2007 10:41 PM  
Spazmo said...

Whoah! I have not thought about intiative checks in some time. I think I'd like something in the middle as far as dreams go. Mine are almost always about showing up on campus, and looking for all the people I knew, and not being able to find them. Sometimes I wonder if at 3AM you would see me wandering around campus, albeit in some astral projection form? I haven't gone back since I graduated, and I'm a little afraid to!

10/12/2007 12:14 PM  
Spazmo said...

Oh, and I totally agree that the B-side is consecrated ground--that place always made me think of Changeling: chock full of glamour!

10/12/2007 12:16 PM  
David Dembinski said...

Man I haven't dreamed about Hiram in years, but I sure think about it lots when I'm awake. I'm right there with you missing those first two years. Life was just about right.

10/17/2007 3:39 PM  

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