This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I wish I remembered how to make the smiley where your eyes look all blurry like an anime character. . . . *-* I think that’s it.

*_* !

I had a truly awful dream last night. I dreamt I’d found a sheet from the newest grant proposal for the lab, and on it is said that by now I should have my own funding. It basically was saying that my boss thought I should leave.

In reality, heck, maybe he does think that from time to time. And sometimes I think it too. But it’s like the sharks in the pool underneath my tightrope: I try to ignore that possibility and just keep inching forward. So it sucks when it’s in my dreams—where I hope to restore my energy and imagination, not wake up feeling all the more crushed. My brain has been way too busy these last couple of nights.


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