This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Sunday, September 23, 2007

This makes me happy, even if I'm just copying everything that shows up on

Had an AWFUL dream last night. The one where the boss comes back from vacation and asks, disbelieving, if you've done anything at ALL while they were away. And then the office calls and tells you that you were supposed to have your committee meeting months ago and so you'll have to have it TODAY, even though you have nothing prepared and it takes weeks to schedule your commitee. It was just awful, in a most current version of the classic nightmare. At least after I woke up, and then went back to sleep, I dreamt I was gliding around futuristic Madison on a bicycle and everything had ramps so I could go anywhere, except when I got to the new micro building and then I had to carry my bike up the stairs. . .


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