Muscle-y soreness
Some day, I’d like to figure out how to avoid all this soreness in my muscles every morning when I wake up. I always feel like I’ve spent the entire night crunched up in the tiniest of balls. Probably the worst is in my shoulders because both swimming and belly dance work those muscles a lot, but I’m not used to it. The answer is probably stretching, I know.
It’s Monday again!? All the days are going by superfast, no?
I had a horrible nightmare Saturday night that one of my ex-boyfriends had hired a troupe of women to perform in front of my wedding guests, reading excerpts from my blog and such explaining what a horrible person I am, and how crappy a girlfriend I had been. I woke up, and when I went back to sleep I kept thinking about how to defend myself to the audience but I couldn’t get back into the right dream. It was rough.
On a completely unrelated note, weight loss is a weird thing that seems to sneak up on you. A lot of people fussed over how much thinner I was at the wedding than Christmas break, and then the other night one of my coworkers asked why I had lost so much weight if Andy was so good at cooking desserts. I’ve lost maybe 10 pounds since Christmas. It’s frightening if 10 pounds makes such a difference! I should be super flattered, but it kindof makes me think that I must have been chopped liver at Christmas. I should try to look on the positive side!
And finally, on yet another unrelated note there’s a bellydance workshop on Saturday that I don’t think I’ll have time to go to but I kinda wish I would, dealing with another style of the dance, “Raks Gothique.” There seem to be a lot of styles within bellydance, and I’m still not quite sure what makes this version Goth, because the title itself insists it’s not about KISS makeup. So far, it seems more like Vampire Masquerade style dancing, but maybe that’s the latent White Wolf gaming nerd in me.
Ok, back to work!!!!
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