This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sleeper in the Garden, Sleepers Awake!

Already, this year is a strange lovely year. Finally, after the great holiday tour of 2006, we are back in town and settling into the old' graduate student routine: stay up waay to late because you don't want to get up and go to work, sleep and dream of experiments you should be doing, wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner and watch Buffy. Maybe spice it up with some grocery shopping or my personal quest for an affordable jewelry armiore.

It feels good, honestly. Don't have to entertain or be anyone in particular. This holiday was possibly the best holiday season I can remember. It was just crammed with my favorite people and I got to share it with my most favorite person. But it WAS pretty draining. I need to work to be happy, and it's clear that I was meant to be a graduate student because I am addicted to the stress a little.

Anyway, my freewill astrology horoscope for this year said that last year could have been titled "Asleep in the beautiful garden" while this year would be "Awake in the beautiful garden." And I feel like that is true so far. Last year was full of good and amazing things, but I was so wrapped up in prelims and planning that it felt like experiencing them through layers of fabric, if that makes any sense. Now, I'm trying to make the "awake in the garden" theme keep happening. I can't slow down life, but I can calm myself the hell down and shut out some of the internal chatter and just feel and enjoy things. I think it's a good goal. I'm also drinking more water, so maybe all this clarity of thought is just emergence from years of dehydration.


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