Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Another Should-be-in-bed-sleeping post

It's somehow harder to sleep with only me here at the moment. Sharon is off in the West Coast attending a virology conference, and hopefully having a decent time.

Oh dear kiddies, it's almost time for my birthday! I have to say I feel like I've brought up that fact five million times this week, but hopefully not to the full extent of annoying that I could be capable of. So far, my plans include starting the festivities on Saturday with some bar-visiting, with the eventual destination being the Nitty Gritty for my special birthday mug.

I'm also getting to the point where I need to get things settled so that I can go home next week for a family reunion/hang out with immediate family. It should be a great deal of fun, although my entire trip appears to be already scheduled. Then back home I go for about 2.5 days, and then off with Andy to NY. I'm very curious to see how this all goes, because I've never done air travel with a boyfriend, and I've only met his parents soo very briefly. It will be an adventure, and also my 2nd vacation.

Lab activities are looking up. Yeah, I have those days where I want to just cry because I feel I'm so behind and unpractical and burdensome, but today I felt like I accomplished things. I even went and donated blood at the Red Cross. Let me tell you, if you think you're living life a little to crazily, just go donate blood and answer their questions about trading sexual favors for money or goods, or sexual interactions with someone who lived in, or continues to live in, the continent of Africa. Also it's apparently a great place to meet middle-aged Real estate agents who double as Mormon ministers, and their brothers. People are very talkative over in the snacks area they shoo you into so that you don't walk outside and pass out. Enjoy the AB- blood, Red Cross!


alice said...

ambler it's been almost a month! we miss you! come home to the internet!

8/19/2005 8:54 PM  

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