Full weekend coverage?
Naaaah. I'm giving you the quick highlights because I'm too awake still and I should go to bed soon.
Friday evening there was a HUGE hailstorm, but I keep dreaming of tornadoes. Friday night was dancing at the Cardinal with that boy I like, two drinks for me--redbull&vodka and sevenup&spiced rum--since I wasn't the one driving. After much spinny hustling and smooth westcoastswing-ing, we got our hands stamped and went over to The Great Dane, where Roger was situated with friends in the basement pub. There I mooched some of Andy's delicious watermelon beer (The Dane is a microbrewery and this is one of their especially tasty brews), and shared red-headed sluts (shots). Then it was back to the Cardinal, where 80's night has switched over to some crazy techno, but they played "Groove is in the Heart" and I thought of Chewie, who used to sing a bit of that in Jiu Jitsu. We decided to leave though around the time the creepy guy dancing behind me didn't go away if Andy and I switched places. I think he was an equal-opportunity creepydancer, and while I applaud his opportunistic determination, HANDS OFF MAN!!
Needless to say, though, but the end of this evening I was thoroughly sauced, which was good fun indeed.
Saturday morning involved the always wonderful lazy wake-up, cut short by mom calling to tell me that she and Dad would be coming up to visit the following weekend, as we had originally planned. Dad's teaching science camp all this week, so they'll have to leave at noon on Friday, which means they'll miss the Farmer's Market on Saturday :(
I think Andy got to overhear the part where Mom told me that it was good Andy would be in town that weekend, because "Your Father would really like to meet him."
It made him sound like he would be arriving with shotgun and lots of questions about intentions, but in all actuality Dad has never been the stereotypical dad when it came to my boyfriends, for which I am imminently thankful. I'm excited to have both mom and dad come to visit, and since Dad hasn't been to Madison since I originally moved in, I'm really looking forward to having him meet all my friends and see where I work and continually drag him away from too much chatting with strangers.
But I'm severely digressing.
Ate sushi on the terrace with Andy, Sarah, and Sharon, followed by icecream at the Chocolate Shopped on State Street. Andy and I got home late but sat out by the fountain and talked till 3AM. Did you ever notice how much easier it can be to talk forever and ever in the dark? Doesn't it always seem so much more deep and effortless? When I finally got to bed, curled up and cozy, I dreamt indeed.
Sunday? Slept in alot, and eventually got my act together and went into lab, where I found I had many many bacterial colonies on my plates (which is really good hopefully). Went over to Sarah's and injured myself with the weedwhacker without even turning it on: I pulled the cord to start the motor, and pulled the first knuckle of my index finger quickly over a sharp metal edge, resulting in a bleeding flap of skin that didn't hurt much more than my pride. But damnit if yardwork isn't becoming extremely appealing as I get older. I would be unnerved by this, except it is so redeeming to go out for an hour and do some visible good in the yard after spending a week in lab with no tangible results whatsoever.
So here we are, Sunday night/Monday morning. I need to clean the apartment, and prepare myself for the whole parent-visit-meet-the-boyfriend-for-the-first-time-continue-to-be-a-good-gradstudent-thing. It'll all be wonderful, I'm pretty sure.
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