Guess what's in my fridge?

at least, right now it's a slab of milky green liquid that should become a 'delightful' dessert upon setting. We'll see now won't we?
I kindof played hooky from lab all weekend, and it felt right lovely. Part of the reason was that we finally hit humid mid-eighties here in Madison, and it always takes me a set of days to adjust to being functional in such humidity and heat. It always makes me think of Faulkner's "Light in August" where all the women in the town take several baths a day to keep from melting like teacakes. I'm not sure how that would work, but it's always what I think of when it's hot and humid and I feel like melting.
What were my big accomplishments for the weekend? Well, first MY CAR IS ALL BETTER. It was fixed, complete with new fenders and hood, and now it somehow looks even prettier than before it got crunched. I really missed my lil' hoopty.
Secondly, I spent several hours shopping all by myself, which I really enjoyed. I kept looking at my watch and realizing: hey, the store isn't going to close anytime soon, you've already eaten, and nobody is going to want to do anything for awhile. It was during my rummaging through the racks of the petite section of JCPenneys (hey, I may be on the tall and curvy end of petite, but everything there always fits much, much better) that I realized how much I enjoy lone shopping. This is not to say that I do not enjoy shopping with friends, boyfriends, or my mother (the original awesome shopper), just to say that doing something on your own, without worrying about being on time for something or boring someone else, can be really very nice.
So now I have a shiny like-new car and an assortment of jean skirts and capri pants so that I can be more air-conditioned when things get this sultry.
I'm also excited to be getting on to reading "The Wasteland" by Stephen King. 3rd book in the series and I'm officially hooked. Man, when King gets on a roll, he just kicks butt so hard I want to fall over.
So I'm going to go read, and hopefully not stay up tooo late! Nighty night!
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