Monday, July 11, 2005

New Toys, Old Toys

Oh man, give me any excuse to buy myself presents and off I go!

The ol' birthday is coming up soon. I'll be 24 like all my friends! Next year will be the 25th, and that will be interesting, sure. Five years left until 30. . .

Anyway, given that I've had the same laptop serve me faithfully for 6 years, and after months of my watching the Dell outlet for exactly the somewhat-new laptop I wanted, I finally snagged my dream lappy 2005. Not really all sexed up, but shiny and upgraded enough for me to be proud of it. I'm getting an Inspiron 6000, and boy-oh-boy it has an upgraded video card and monitor and wireless network card and battery life and processor and memory and RAM and and and. . .

Ok, so I'm no computer expert, but I was happy with my choice. Could I have gotten it for cheaper? Yes, but it would have been more expensive to buy new with the University discount, so I could've done worse.

Old toys? I'm getting obsessed (along with my friends) with Neopets, again. Back in 2002 when I was in Hawaii for my internship, Neopets was sometimes my only friend. Now, it's just good mindless fun. Right now I'm Amberdamberawesome and my pet is fluffernutterbetter

I don't care much for names with numbers, if I can help it.


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