Monday, May 16, 2005

Some things never do change. . .

Wheeee! I'm feeling alot better now that I'm clearing whatever plague I had last week. Also, the sushi in my belly helps a bit. ALSO I just checked my pcr amplification and I totally amplified some DNA. Rock, rock on.
Ever other Sunday, I call my mom--in the hopes that I might remain a good daughter and also to hear what the latest adventure is in the house I no longer live in. Lots of excitement at home now. My sister went to prom, and now has a voice coach/talent agent apparently, and is soon to be auditioning for local productions of "Godspell" and "Oliver." Mom has a new car, and Don Michael is home from college.

During one of her last preschool classes for the year, mom popped in a cassette tape of what was supposed to be Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and instead heard one of my "radio shows" I made when I was 4. This one was on the road trip back from Florida, when I was, as I mentioned, 4 and my brother was 2. Yes, her description of it made it all sound very cute, but what really struck me where two things that I said. The first was that "All I do is go to school. SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL!"

20 years later, and I'm STILL going to school.

The other thing was that I apparently complained that "all the boys spend all their time acting tough and they never talk to me. I have to write them letters. I just sit and read."

I wanted to be sad about this, for the younger me. I remember vaguely how lonely it could be to be a nerd. I used to stutter ALOT because my brain worked much faster than my mouth (and still does). I wanted to be sad but I realized that yeah, at the time being smart meant few people liked the things I did and boys were not big fans of my endless chattering and big vocabulary. But now I'm in geek prime. I get paid to be a total nerd, and I am surrounded by other kids who once too didn't have many people to talk to, but plenty of books to read. I'll give that little 4-year-old me a hug, though.


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