Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What the funk?

Ok, admittedly another too-cutesy title, but it's what got typed first, so we're sticking with it (so in theory Amber will go to bed soon).

Did you ever have one of those days that were just embedded in a funk for no good reason? I did. I mean, the best reasons I could come up with were that it was not mid-70's today, and I semi-slept through some amazing thunderstorm last night which everyone was chatting about today. Neither of those reasons are very sound reasons for funkage.

In fact, today was a pretty good day. I didn't miss the bus, they had spinach soup in the deli (yum!), and I got alot done in lab, with almost too much work lined up for the rest of the week.

I think maybe I've gone anemic or something, because I just felt slightly ill and light-headed, and then I DID somehow miss my bus so I walked home, and had one of those long thought-talks about life that didn't leave me feeling much better about it, even though in fact life is very good and with little at all to complain about.

It's just been one of those "I'd like a hug, but I'm feeling too bristly to ask for one and be happy about it" days. Oh well! Contrary to what my family thinks, it's ok to be cranky once and awhile and it does not manifest as a "problem" that needs solving immediately.

Ok! sleep for me! Oh! and my basil and cilantro plants are still grrrrowing, and the cilantro is starting to form its adult leaves. My porch is my new eden.


Rhett said...

Ooooh you're growing basil? I am definitely intrigued. I thought about growing some herbs but still not sure how to do it or if it's worth the cost/time factor. Please tell me more!

P.S. Hooray for summer and hooray for the end of classes!

5/12/2005 4:11 PM  
Spazmo said...

Actually it hasn't required much effort on my part (good thing, too). I just got a pot for a regular houseplant, potting soil from walgreen's and seeds from ShopKo (approx 1.50 per bag each). I just sprinkled in some seeds, poked them into the soil a little and covered them up, watered them, and left them on my 3-season porch to grow. I water them every once and awhile, and they've been doing fine. I think the advantage I have is a glassed-in porch which acts like a greenhouse, albeit a poorly insulated one!

5/13/2005 12:21 AM  

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