Thursday, May 05, 2005

Soooo sleepy?

Well, I've been on my way back to a "normal" 7-8 hour a night sleep schedule, but I've still been sleepier than usual. Andy's come down with some sort of plague that has appropriately been plaguing the Bac-T (Bacteriology) department. So maybe I also have the plague. If so, hopefully I'll get the sore throught and start sounding like Demi Moore.

Or maybe finally my body wants a full sleep re-boot.

So today was (in theory) the absolute last day of classes ever. I mean, I could be wrong, and who knows what other things I'll be asked to attend that are classlike later, but I've completed all major and minor coursework for the PhD program. Off I go! The weight of this milestone has not fully impacted me yet. It just feels like a time-release relief program where little by little I realize how much more time I'm going to have when I'm not going to freaking class.

To be proud of currently: I've been networking! At least, I have found two people to help me learn to use the confocal microscope (sweet), I have located someone who might be able to help me get micrographs of V. fischeri using the transmission electron microscope (even more sweet), and Ned wants me to get in touch with guy in the Biostatistics department for some statistics help with some of our data analysis. One of Ned's great talents as the head of a lab is that when you meet with him, you leave full of ideas and actions to take and you feel USEFUL. Now if only he wasn't on the road so much! But alas, he is a rockstar scientist.

So again, Friday approaches, and my room still isn't clean, but that's ok. Hopefully, Andy will recover, and Sarah and I might go scout out plants for her garden, which may mean that Amber will have gardening therapy available to her. AAAAND Tomatoes! Another Saturday at the Farmer's Market!!



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