Thursday, May 13, 2004


It's been a weird week. I turned in my final paper on monday (chances are it was the last paper to be turned in, but I would much rather turn in a good paper than an early less-lovely one). So suddenly I'm not experiencing that general, looming worry that something is due sometime and I should be working on it. The weather has remained heavy and hot, breaking into tons of rain at times--makes me want to do anything but work. And I've had huge cravings for red meat. That part weirds me out a bit, because I'm not a big red meat eater. Raw fish, yesssss, (oh god yes!) but raw hamburger has never looked more appealing. Strange isn't it? I've been fighting headaches and tiredness, so I'm thinking maybe I'm somehow dehydrated and craving salty things to retain moisture. . .or something.

This can't possibly be an intriguing entry, but then again, if I started writing things to be intriguing, it would be sillier than it already is.

I also find myself fixated on picking out new bedding for my bed. I've got my heart set on neutral tones, like a cococa or taupe, because my next bedroom is a little smallish (although it has a FANTASTIC porch!!) so I don't want crazy patterns to overwhelm the space.

I think maybe I've been watching too much TLC and Food Network. . .maybe that's it. . .


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