Yeah, so my biggest thought for the day is this: we somehow feel that as we get older we will have less troubles. Or they'll be less complicated or something like that. But they don't get easier. My problems these days are so subtle and complex. . . my traumas of yesteryear seem laugable. But I think the real truth in all of this is that it ALWAYS SEEMS JUST AS HARD, no matter how problems compare. When you run up against them, the trouble always seems to be just about the worst trouble. It's comforting, because in truth you've handled bad situations all your life, and no matter how horrible they seem now, you realize that others seemed just as horrible in the past--and you still overcame them. So there, another reason to rock on.
Other than that, well, life is promising. Here's hoping the horoscope isn't true. here's hoping that things will be better right through next year. Damn the planets.
To conclude, here's a random quote from Blade Runner, a fabulous must-see if you dare consider yourself a sci-fi enthusiast.
Deckard (Harrison Ford) giving a test. You're reading a magazine. You come across a full page nude photo of a girl.
Rachael (Sean Young) Is this testing whether I'm a replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?
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