This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Friday, March 29, 2002


Caption for this picture: "Rocks Can Be Nice Too"
picture by Sam from Exploding Dog

It's lovely really. It's warm and soft and rainy, and I just want to go run around in it. I ran all the way to Jiu Jitsu tonight in my gi, in the rain, my silly yellow belt flashing up and down as I went. Wheee! Singapore noodles were bouncing in my stomach, but that's ok. I'll take any kind of food over Miller.

It's a peaceful day, and I'm keeping it work-free dammit. There's practically no one on campus, so maybe I WILL get some work done eh? heh, I better, or else insta-death Prudy Hall Style on Monday.

Here's a little treat for the heartbroken out there, although I was specifically looking for this for Dave. A little tender piece of the blues, you know? I Hope That Something Better Comes Along