Saturday, March 30, 2002


Whoever knocked on my door last night, SUCK EGGS.

I'll eventually, tonight, put in an entry of my marvelous adventure through 3-mile square in the rain with Nick and Tom, but for now, I must stop procrastinating!!!


Ok, so i've read so much about cholera today my brain feels like it has its own sort of diarrhea going on. Delicious? Sorry, no accounting the 3-mile square walk today, except to say that walking in a spring rain is the best sort of cleansing ritual. The spring peepers were loud as hell, the farmland quiet and spooky, and all three of us soaked to the bone. Returned for hot showers in Henry. Don't knock on my door, you evil 3rd henryites. SLEEEP.

I went out on an actual date complete with window shopping and dinner no less! I get to go back to feeling like a complete rookie. There are so many little things that can trip you up, like what to order. I'm sure there's an instruction manual that would tell me what to do (actually, we found it at Waldens: "Complete Survival Guide to Dating.") I mean, as a girl, if somebody's paying for your dinner, and you don't know how much the other person is going to spend, you get a bit hesitant. So I ended up apologizing for ordering a 7oz salmon instead of 10 . . .because I'm a chronic apologizer. It will be my downfall methinks. Here's someone who was willing to let me order just about anything, and I'm all hesitant to order something that's 13 bucks. Vent vent vent. I sometimes shake my head at myself.

But enough about that. All and all, a really dizzily wonderful time. It's crazy how being happy can feel so strange and new when you've been miserable for a month straight. So now there's shrimp, salmon, and key lime pie all floating slowly about my stomach. My horoscope says not to take feelings of love too seriously today, as it will take all the fun out of it. Ok. You got it, evil planets.

I had a dream I was Anne of Green Gables pretending to be a nun so that this rigid Victorian lady would hire me for some job.

Had to think about that for awhile. If you want to hear my analysis, read on. If not, hey, you're free of my absurdity for a day. I wouldn't blame you.

The deal is this. If you've read any Anne of Green Gables stuff, or watched the endearing PBS series, you'd know that she was a rebel without a cause, in a charming sort of PG way. I mean, people always dissaproved of her antics, despite the fact they were never all that horrible. She got into trouble, she fell off roofs and broke chalkboards over boy's heads if they pissed her off. Yeah, total badass. She's representing me. I do bad things, you just don't often hear about them. But lately I have been getting sloppy, and deservedly so. I mean, I've been slightly bitchy, gossipy, naughty, violent, all because I've been worn thinner than monogrammed vellum stationary. So I feel like I've got to hide behind this exterior of properness, but the disguise is slipping when I'm not paying attention. And I'm worried society won't approve if I'm anything less than ladylike.

Well, screw that. Wearing the habit is more blasphemous I think. Although my idea of being "bad" isn't really extremely shocking, yet. But the 3-week is coming. Drunken orgies? only if I don't lose my balls . . . . . . . . . . oh wait.


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