Times are a bit tougher
Yeah, I’ve got no real right to complain. Life is good, and the future’s so bright I’ve gotta wear shades.
But I’m having a bit of a tough time right now. I’m getting near the end of graduate school, and that leads to the inevitable nausea about when I might finish and how I’m going to transition from graduate school onward. I have learned that I am absolutely a chronic worrier, and though I’ve gotten better at silencing that inner-worry-monologue it’s hard to ignore on this topic. I mean, what am I going to do? Will Andy and I finish near the same time? What will we do if we don’t?
And it just spirals out from there. Usually I’m pretty good at keeping it quiet, but right now I’m having trouble with that. So I’m admitting that here in the hopes it will help, and asking for warm fuzzies and good thoughts to help me work through it again.
Just wanted to send the warm fuzzies back atcha and let you know it will really truly be ok. You guys will figure it out. Don't worry about not being done at the same time, that is no big deal. You'll come up with a plan when you need to.
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