This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition


The semi-monthly UGH

The weather is such a tease here in Madison. It was GLORIOUS this weekend: temps in the mid 60’s, sunny, birds-a-singing. Then Monday flopped down with grey skies and a return to the 40’s—which at this point last month I would have greeted readily. It’s crappy.

The bright note is the big spring show on Saturday. Our beginner’s group is really ready for it: we’ve had plenty of time to perfect the piece. But between Tuesday and Saturday is a sea of things to do, you know?

My writing minicourse seems pretty fun. Right now there are two of us in the class, and I’m trying to not dominate every conversation or ramble on like I do on paper. The tough part is something I forgot about creative writing classes: I have an ingrained obsession with doing assignments EXACTLY the way the teacher says. I want to always get it perfect. But with creative writing, man, you can’t ever expect an assignment to BE exact or specific. It gives me a continual square peg, round hole feeling. That feeling is nutritional, I know. Regardless, it’s excellent to be around other obsessive journalers . . . even if it can encourage excessive journaling and temporary inability to shut off my inner dialog.

Today is just jam-packed with stuff, and I’m going to have to give up going to the Rosalind Franklin seminar (BOOO!). Tonight’s swim class, break&refuel&shower, and then intermediate club practice. Then, hopefully, as much sleep as I can humanly get.


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