Freewill Astrology Horoscope for Leo:
The bad news is that Indonesia has the fastest rate of deforestation on the planet, and is one of the top three producers of greenhouse gas pollution. The good news is that on November 28, the people of Indonesia will unleash the most intense orgy of tree-growing in the history of the world. They're scheduled to plant 79 million saplings in 24 hours. You Leos might also consider undertaking a massive display of fertility in the next three weeks. Your creative powers will be at a peak; your ability to coax abundant life out of seeds and sprouts will be extraordinary.
Now, I’m not aiming for the procreative kind of coaxing life here (though I’m waiting to see how long it’ll be before the grandkids topic comes up at Christmas).
My interpretation of “coaxing abundant life out of seeds and sprouts” will be focused in the areas of health and mental well-being. I’ve been at this grad school thing for four years, now working on my 5th year, and it’s clear I’ve whipped myself into a frazzled heap. I put on weight and put being girly on the backburner. Drank waaay to much coffee and not enough water! I’ve had moments where people ask “what do you do for fun around here” and the real answer, in the back of my head, was SLEEP.
Which is a crappy answer.
So yes, this is chock-full of hubris on my part that I’ll totally turn my life around in a season. But I’ve made progress and I’m celebrating that at least! Bellydancing has been awesome already for fitness, stress-relief, and getting to be better friends with women and womanly things. Swim class is over, but Andy and I are gonna go swimming each week until the spring classes start. As for health, I’m going for the most basic: take my vitamins and drink A LOT more water. Winter in Madison is bone-dry, and so water and I must become better friends.
All the stress can make you feel like you’re not a real person anymore. At least, that’s how it has made me feel at times. Like I’m a person-shell that can do science. But that’s not something a person can keep up forever, you know?
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