This morning, as I was heading out the door, Andy kissed me and told me “HAPPY ONE-MONTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!”
Dude! A whole month has gone by already? I guess it has. We’re just now starting to get back in the swing of things—the apartment is at least unpacked in the living room and kitchen. We’ve set up our joint savings account for the monetary gifts we received. I’ve got several copies of the marriage license now, so this week I must go to the Soc. Sec. office to get my name changed OFFICIALLY (after that, the DMV and UW, and so on and so on. . .).
If you are wondering how married life feels, the easiest answer is “It feels GOOD.” At the heart of it, it’s that how we’ve felt about each other is official and legally recognized, and when I meet little old ladies in the elevator at the apartment, I don’t feel the need to omit the fact we’re livin’ in sin, because magically now we’re not.
Still, it feels like we’re still working our way to surface back in the real world, which is OK with me. There is still a glow and haze about life, but we’re moving so fast now I think we’ll zoom back out of the fog soon, in a good way.
In other news, I got my hair cut shorter again. This is yet another haircut I’ve wanted for some time but just didn’t have the guts to get into it. It’s heavily razored so that the ends are very wispy and light, with lots of volume around the crown. I feel simultaneously hip but also a bit like a dandelion puff. But I’m loving it. Tonight is the kick-off for UW belly dance club, which I’m going to give a whirl—I’d have to take beginner, which would be good to have each week alongside my intermediate kicks-my-butt class. . . maybe I’ll feel like I know something? I’ll keep you posted!
Shout-outs to Alice and Sprite who sent me lovely e-mails which cheered me greatly—and I think you two are the ones who read this the most (anyone else out there, feel free to comment!) so hugs to you!
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