This Is Nothing

Insane Graduate School Edition

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Consider me extra-curricular-ized

On the many walks Andy and I took in the months before the wedding, we often joked that we’d have to find hobbies after all this nuptial craziness was over with. The joke being that certainly grad school would swell back up to fill any gaps in time and sanity left in the wake of no longer planning a wedding.

But actually, it’s nice to feel like I’m learning new skills, so now I’m in a studio belly dance class (mirrors and nice bouncy floors) and I’ve signed up for swim classes to learn how to actually do various strokes (because I’m mainly a recreational aimless swimmer). The first belly dance class kicked my butt, again, because I’m still at the bottom of the skill barrel. But I left elated as always. Dancing feels good. And now I’ve signed up for a bra-building workshop to learn how to turn one into a fancy dance top. Woot! It’s a completely different set of people and activities, and I’ve become semi-recognizable since I was in the minicourses. Now if only I could get my steps smaller and more ladylike . . .

More wedding photos are over at the picasa site! I’m still amazed at the quality of photos I’m getting from friends and family. . . what the heck will the professional ones look like?!


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